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Hemet Herald July 2020

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It has been so nice to see Four Seasons residents at the library this week! Visiting us is really a different story in today's times. We have enough volunteers to be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 am till 2 pm, for both returns and check out. We have rules that we must follow to be open and, in turn, you must follow. Returned books will be put in boxes to be quarantined for three days. On day four the committee can shelve the books brought in that are "ready." This is accomplished by the same members keeping the library open for your convenience. Many 2019-2020 books have been donated and are shelved. For us to work there, we must wear face masks and gloves. That allows us to touch the books and gather the ones you wish to check out. Please let us hand the books to you, especially if you are not wearing gloves. The rules were established to keep our residents as safe as possible. With that said, "Come see us!" We've missed you too! Scotty and I have been putting puzzles together at an alarming rate… meaning I haven't been doing my housework! As soon as we opened I asked to borrow a couple of puzzles but they were locked up. There was no one, or way, to monitor them. I volunteered the library committee! We have some great puzzles and they have been flying out the door. We have several that will be ready for check out on Monday. If you have some you could donate please bring them up. We especially need the larger piece ones for those with eye problems. The new rules don't allow magazines to be displayed in Salons or at the Four Seasons Library. What we had was recycled, and at this time, we cannot accept any. We have had some wonderful history books donated this week. Our new non-fiction section is easily seen. All the shelves underneath the paper backs are full. Enjoy them. Some feel the new rules are silly. Others thank us for taking care of our library with the new rules. We want to be there so we follow the rules! The library committee hopes you are safe Four Seasons friends. Reading brings people into your life. Open that book! Until next month… Cookie From Bionic Blair, "Books are a uniquely portable magic." Stephen King, On writing: A Memoir of the Craft 10 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | July 2020 | Library Committee Articles from the clubs and committees are due three weeks prior to publication and information on the latest news may be out of date by the time you receive your copy of the Herald. Having had two meetings by phone, we are attempting to have our next meeting at The Lodge on July 1. Please check with the desk if you wish to attend the Landscape Committee meeting. This past meeting required additional meeting time to "catch up" on requests and proposals. We anticipate that we will be back to our regular schedule beginning in July. This month we feature Carolyn Sripathy, who is now the immediate past chair of the committee as of June 3, 2020. She served on the committee for four years and most of this time as the chair. Carolyn moved to Four Seasons 10 years ago and after serving on boards in other HOAs, she thought serving on the Landscape Committee would put those skills to use. At that time, there was a need to address the declining appearance of our landscape in the community. The Landscape Committee undertook updating and redoing landscaping in the common areas in phases, taking two and a half years to complete. The Board of Directors was very supportive and after looking at proposals made it possible for this work to be done. We now see the results of the restoration and the beauty of newly added trees and shrubs to provide a very impressive look as one arrives in to the community. Carolyn is so appreciative of the six other members of the committee who together have made a great team and who put in their time to ensure the landscape appearance is maintained. Carolyn and her husband "K" love the Four Seasons community and have made many wonderful friends. It is the perfect place to enjoy the sunset years in a very relaxed and quiet community full of many activities that one can choose from. She plans to spend a little more time relaxing with her hubby of 60 years and with their two daughters and three adult grandchildren and entertaining friends and family. Please welcome Irene Becker as chair and Addis Scott as co-chair of the committee. The Landscape Committee meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1 pm at The Lodge. We do plan to meet July 1, unless there are restrictions. Residents are welcome to attend. Landscape Committee

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