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OHCC Living Sept 2020

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24 | OHCC LIVING | SEPTEMBER 2020 | Papercrafting Club We spent the month of July creating holiday cards. Each group picked a unique way to get their ladies engaged in making holiday cards in the middle of summer. One very clever group leader created kits that contained various holiday themed embellishment and her group created a card using all the items in their kit. Another group upcycled old holiday cards and added their own touch to create new and unique cards; it was a lot of fun and we were able to provide 100 cards to teens living in a local Foster Home Academy. Like the other clubs, we are finding ways to stay connected in these unique times. We continue to learn new innovative ways to create cards and paper art, but mostly we just chat and socialize. September… where's the fall color? Hopefully it will appear soon – I need SOMETHING to change and inspire me! The Tuesday and Friday Sew and Chat Group continues to gather through Zoom, which does help us to keep in touch. Our stories are about projects and crafts, some finished, some still undone. We use the time to connect and support each other with laughter and information about what we have heard "around town." We zoom at noon on Fridays for under an hour, and all are welcome. Our monthly meetings are conducted on Zoom as well, the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 am, and (though abbreviated), they allow us to take care of the small amount of business that remains necessary. Show and Tell at these meetings has proven to be reassuring that our creativity does not wane during tough times. The philanthropy projects are still ongoing – that need doesn't go away. The kids at Pendleton rely on our blankets, quilts, and holiday stockings this year just as much as any, and we do our best to keep them smiling. Their life is much more unsettled than ours… it is what we can do to help while they support our country. My personal request to all who read this article is this: please wear your masks. Please social distance. Please wash your hands. And, above all, please be patient. We need all of us to join the fight, because it truly takes a village to take the wind out of the sails of this beast. Wouldn't the holidays together be a wonderful thing? If anyone would like to participate in our activities and is not sure of who to reach out to during this time, please call Chris Sanderson (760) 726-4634 for more information. Also, please visit our website, lovingly updated by Terri Eckhardt, ohccsewing. All are welcome to join us. Dues are $7 per year. Our meetings are normally held at 9:30 am in the morning on the first Thursday of each month…we look forward to seeing you when life gets back to normal! Sewing, Etc. Just in case: Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time. Fall Quilt – Kristin Schnieders Smart reindeer – LaVergne Brown Knit preemie set – Bunny Quint

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