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Solera Diamond Valley November 2020

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2020 By Melissa Valona We have successfully held one outdoor Music Under the Stars event, and a few holiday activities are in our near future. Please continue to keep a look out for emails blasts with updates for new events. I hope everyone gets a chance to come out to our Health Fair held in the Mountain View Lodge Parking lot on November 5th at 10 am. The health fair will be offering flu shots and a blood donation truck. As I continue to schedule outdoor concerts, I would like to stress the importance of social distancing. To bring events and activities back we must ensure the safety of our neighbors and family and friends. There will be no dancing permitted at live music events. If you are unable to adhere to the COVID restrictions, the infraction will be reported to code compliance. You all may remember at the end of every year the Lifestyle department holds an annual meeting for all clubs as well as requests all committees, clubs, and groups to resubmit their room reservations for the new year. The dates will be released in November with the deadline for each committee/club/group. If you have not yet returned to the Clubhouse and need some assistance in setting up a safety plan, please feel free to reach out to me. I know things will not be back to normal for quite some time, so it is my top priority to make things as easy as possible in the meantime. LIFESTYLE REPORT Our association employs a highly qualified professional community management team, and it is important for residents to know what management has, and has not, been hired to do. Management has two primary responsibilities: to carry out policies set by the board and to manage the associations daily operations. Some residents expect management to perform certain tasks that just are not in the contract. When those expectations are not met, residents naturally are unhappy. Here are a few clarifications to help you understand management's role. • Management works closely with the board as advisors, not as a board member. • The management staff is available to residents. That does not mean the staff can drop everything to take a call or a visit. If you need to speak with a member of the management staff, call the office to arrange a meeting. • The management staff is always happy to answer questions. However, for routine inquiries, like the date of meetings, please refer to The View magazine, the association's website, or a recent email blast. • The General Manager monitors contractor's performance but does not supervise them. Contractors supervise their own staff. If you have a problem with a contractor, notify the General Manager who will forward your concerns to the board. The board will decide how to proceed under the terms of the contract. • The Property Services Manager inspects the community regularly, but even the most experienced manager will not catch everything. Your help is essential. If you know about a potential maintenance issue, please submit a Facility Request Form to the office. • Management does not make rules for the association; the Board does. If you disagree with a policy or rule, please submit a Resident Request Form to the office with your concerns to be reviewed by the Board of Directors at a board meeting. • The management staff is not available 24 hours a day – except for emergencies. What constitutes an emergency? An association emergency is defined as a threat to life or association property. CLARIFYING MANAGEMENTS ROLE

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