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Solera Diamond Valley November 2020

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6 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2020 Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (EPAC) Our Committee was formed in 2013 by the first group of CERTs (Community Emergency Response Team), at the behest of the BOD. We CERTs were trained by the Hemet Fire Department. The CERT program, developed by the LA Fire Dept, is nationwide. They train us in actions to take in case of a catastrophic event, such as an earthquake. We've been trained to extinguish small fires, triage first aid, simple search and rescue, and other things. We are not trained as first responders, but to help, possibly saving lives in the case of an event. We keep emergency supplies, such as first aid items, pop-up tents, cots, stretchers, walkie talkies, HAM equipment, etc. We do not stock food and water for the community. EPAC and CERTs will report to either the parking lot, or by the storage building near the barbecue, in the case of a major event. Before reporting, we will take care of our family and home. In the case of earthquake, items falling out of or off shelving would be considered major. It is important that you fill out and return your Neighborhood Watch papers, as they give us needed information. We work together. Red and Green cards are for use in an emergency. The Red for Needs Assistance, the Green indicating you are Okay. It is important that you stock food and water, one gallon per day per person, for at least a week, for you and your pet. Have a manual can opener on hand. Have things to eat that don't need cooking. Have a crate for your pet and get them used to it. They won't like it, but it's important. There are good articles on how to crate train your pet. Try not to run out of medication or money. Keep small bills, as the gas station may say they cannot make change. Go through your home, determining what you cannot live without, not only necessities, but things to make survival better. Books, wine, cards etc... Have a plan, and a person to contact out of state to report your status. All affected family members would contact that person. I am sure you have heard all this and more before. This medical pandemic has taught us some things are very important… toilet paper, and for me flour. Recently there have been earthquake swarms in the Salton Sea area. We have a small chance that it could affect other faults. Be ready. I would like to thank past boards for their support for this committee, without which we would not have the tools to do what we do: our building, supplies, etc. I would like to thank the current board for their support, and the rule change opening up our community for more volunteers to serve, for the most part, without restrictions.

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