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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze December 2020

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | DECEMBER 2020 25 Check with your committee chair to confirm meeting place, date, and time. At our October meeting, the financial statement for September was reviewed and recommended for BOD approval. Highlights of the financial report follows. Total Assets are $10,411,461 including checking $507,667 and reserve assets of $8,068,911. Operating money market and CDs totaled $1,712,077. Total Liabilities currently are $7,818,358 and Total Equity of $2,593,104 As noted last month, these two figures look greatly changed from previous reports due to new accounting classifications that require reserve funding to be considered a liability until it is spent. There was a net income loss for the month of $10,954. Year to date (YTD) net income reflects a gain of $151,152. Front yard cost center expenses were over budget by $13,144 and are over budget $8,971YTD and Springdale cost center expenses were over budget by $170 and over budget $4,508 YTD. Although expenses tracked slightly higher this month, we anticipate expenses to be on target for year end. A finance subcommittee is tracking operational expenses during the quarantine period to determine if any potential cost savings were gained. A preliminary analysis indicated a cost savings of approximately $85,000 YTD. The Committee was presented a preliminary 2021 budget for the Springdales, Front Yard, and Master HOA. A special Finance Committee meeting was held in early November to make final recommendations for the 2021 budget. We will also include a recommendation for the savings realized from the COVID impact on our facilities. The 2021 budget will be presented to the BOD at the November meeting. A total of seven proposals were reviewed at meeting. Five proposals were recommended for board approval. One was withdrawn by landscape and one was returned to consider other potential options for the project. Six Committee persons and Board Liaisons, Kathy Craven and Joe Barletta, were present live or via Zoom for the meeting. We encourage you to attend our meetings which are held on the last Tuesday of the month. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Jan. 26, 1 pm in The Lodge Ballroom or via Zoom depending on the current COVID-19 environment requirements. Please check the Daily Report. ~ Barry Ginnetti, Finance Committee Landscape Committee My name is Albert Padilla (Big Al). My wife and I have been living here for over five years. What sold us at Four Seasons was the beautiful landscaping and trails. As a resident of Four Seasons, I wanted to be a part of the community so I started attending the Board meetings and participated in the open forums. While I was disappointed by some residents who showed a lack of respect for Board members, it didn't stop me from attending a Landscaping Committee meeting to discuss an issue I had. It was then that I was asked to join the committee to help with landscaping issues. I'm very pleased to say I enjoy being part of the Landscaping Committee because one of my strong traits is helping solve issues. One issue of importance is showing respect for our landscaping vendors. We can do that by not confronting them and telling them how to do their job. Just because we pay HOA fees it doesn't give us the right to do that. We have rules that we need to abide by when it comes to landscaping. Please refer to the HOA policy book given to you when you became a resident. If you have landscaping issues you can report them by going to the Daily Report and click on "Landscape Concerns" or "Contact Us." Once you submit your concern a staff member from the management office will contact you by email. Another way to show respect for others is by not throwing trash on the ground (this includes your protective masks) and by picking up after your dogs. We have plenty of poop bags and trash cans all throughout our community. Please use them. We can all enjoy our landscaping and trails by working together and keeping our grounds clean. After all, clean grounds and respect make our lives a healthier place to live! ~ Albert E. Padilla (Big Al),

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