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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze December 2020

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | DECEMBER 2020 57 As reported previously, the Four Seasons Motorcycle Club (MC) went on a two-day ride to Jacumba, CA and we had so much fun that the MC is giving serious consideration to replacing our annual week-long ride with more frequent two- and three-day rides. The Jacumba ride will continue to be one of our two day rides but we have other rides under consideration as well. One possibility is a three- day Ojai ride. Day one would be the ride to Ojai. Day two would be exploring the countryside near Ojai. Day three would be the ride home. Another possibility is a three-day ride to Pismo Beach. Day one would be the ride to Pismo. Day two would be a day ride up the coast, perhaps to Big Sur for lunch. Day three would be the ride home. We will continue to look at these and other possible rides as 2021 approaches. Normally, we have an open invitation to anyone thinking about joining the MC to come to our monthly MC meeting, which is the first Wednesday of the month at The Lodge. Unfortunately, we continue to be unable to meet due to Four Seasons COVID-related meeting room restrictions. So, if you want to learn more about the club, you can always join us for one of our weekly rides. Weather permitting, we depart every Thursday from The Lodge parking lot promptly at 9 am for a day ride. These rides are usually 150 to 200 miles in round-trip length and we always take a break for lunch. Please join us! However, with the wet season upon us, we will often pass on a Thursday ride if we feel the road conditions are too wet for safe riding. So, if you are thinking about joining us for a ride, feel free to call ahead of time to confirm if we are riding. Your key contacts are Terry Humble, President, at (909) 706-2298, Jim Ayala, VP, at (951) 392-6259, and Joe Bert, Secretary, at (909) 767-1484. ~ Jim Ayala, Motorcycle Club Check with your club contact to confirm meeting place, date, and time. My fellow shut-ins, isn't this fun. At least we've had the election to watch, day after day after day. But seriously folks, here it is December, time to put up those lights and decorations, or maybe not; but for me and mine, we're going for it. So come on by my place. Lights come on at 5 pm. Hopefully, we will get back to some competitive horseshoes in 2021 and the first session I'm calling "Horseshoes-101" because we'll be learning how to play all over again. Maybe I will finally be able to win a game or two at first. Anyway, I thought I would divert from my standard monthly article describing our club and club activities to wish you all well and a very Merry Christmas and a much happier New Year in 2021. Included is our group Christmas picture from 2019 in more sociable times. We're always looking for new members, so while you are still hunkered down for the foreseeable future, be thinking about joining us. We meet at The Summit every Wednesday at 9 am fall through spring, and 8 am in the summers. Our contacts are Ron Erickson at (951) 846- 3288, or Gary Christie at (951) -0520, goldtoy@earthlink. net. ~ Ron Erickson Below: Our group Christmas, 2019 Horseshoe Club Here is the motorcycle club crew getting ready to head home from Jacumba. Two glorious days of riding!

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