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Solera Diamond Valley December 2020

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | DECEMBER 2020 By Tom Lontz, SDV Board President The Annual Meeting of the Homeowners was held Nov. 12 in the Mountain View Ballroom and via Zoom. The Board members and 24 residents were on-site, and 64 residents attended via Zoom. A big thank you to Melissa, Teri, and Monica for setting up the Ballroom and arranging the technology to make this possible. The election of three Directors was the focus of the meeting. A total of 315 ballots were received. This means 55 percent of our residents voted. Thanks to all of you who voted. Below are the results of the voting listed in alphabetical order: Candidate Name Number of Votes Minio Garcia 135 Ralph Grider 224 Tom Lontz 223 Steven Patrick 112 Robert Vise 234 After the results were announced, the Annual Meeting was adjourned, and the Organization Meeting was held. During this meeting, the Directors elected their officers. Below are the new SDV Board Officers: Office Director President Tom Lontz Vice President Kim Walker Secretary Robert Vise Treasurer Ralph Grider Member at Large Jim Harriss The Board faces some immediate challenges: COVID-19 and on-boarding a new General Manager, as well as the numerous day- to-day operational challenges. We are committed to facing the challenges and working through each of them. Again, thank you for your participation and support. Veterans Day 2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION RESULTS

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