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Solera Diamond Valley View December 2021

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6 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | DECEMBER 2021 Happy December Solera Diamond Valley! I cannot believe how fast the year 2021 has flown by. I think I blinked, and November was over. As I'm sad my favorite month has come and gone, December is a great follow up month. November's meetings with the Volunteer Group, Recreation Committee and Communications Committee moved right along as we discussed and wrapped up the rest of our 2021 events and such. It's been wonderful getting to work with these committees as I've built relationships with the members and truly appreciate their time and dedication to their community. As we close out this year, thank you to all of you. November started off with a Health Fair hosted by Arbor Hospice. The turn out was great. They will be back next year sometime for another Health Fair. Our Paint and Sip event was a smaller group making this event an opportunity to really get to know some new people and enjoy the vendor teaching the class. Jonnie Fox & The Satinettes joined us for a Lounge Night and they were amazing as always. As return visitors to Solera Diamond Valley, they continue to be a huge hit in the community. The month of December is going to be full of fun events, so mark your calendars! To kick off the holiday season, our first event on Dec. 3 is our annual Mingle & Jingle. Come gather in The Lodge to celebrate and enjoy drinks, snacks and desserts with your neighbors. Following this event, we will have our Sunday Brunch on Dec. 12. I have heard many great things about past Sunday Brunch events, this year will be another one for the books. On Dec. 16, the Red Cross will be back for another Blood Drive. If you missed the first one, here's your chance. If you donated at the Blood Drive in October, you are able to donate again in December as enough time has passed. Get your golf carts ready as our Golf Cart Christmas Caroling is scheduled for Dec. 21. Keep your eyes peeled for an email blast with more details and a map of the route closer to the date of the event. The first stop of the night will be at the Mountain View Lodge at 4:30 pm for hot cocoa and a golf cart decorating contest. Last but not least, our New Year's Eve Winter Wonderland party is scheduled for Dec. 31. Come join us ring in the new year with your friends and neighbors while enjoying drinks, snacks and lots of dancing. To register for these events, visit the website or the Concierge Desk Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. I have a feeling spots are going to fill up fast. As always, I truly look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and I hope you are ready for what is planned for the last month of the year! Lifestyle Report By Sam Kendig

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