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Ocean Hills CC Living January 2022

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6 | OHCC LIVING | JANUARY 2022 | Golf Course Renovation Report The front 9 of our golf course has been grassed as of the week of Dec. 13. That means the greens have been hydroseeded with Bentgrass, and the collars have been sodded with hybrid Bermuda by Candyl Golf. Now that the front 9 is grassed, O'Connell Landscape will take over the grow-in of the golf course. Therefore, the surrounds are being seeded by O'Connell Landscape the week of 12/13 with Rye because it will grow better in the winter months and prevent washouts. The irrigation is completed on the front 9. Candyl is now installing the irrigation on the back 9. They have put in most of the main lines and are now installing the lateral lines. The lake design is on the agenda for approval at the December Board Meeting. Upon approval of the lake design, Candyl Golf will apply for a grading permit. The permit may take 45 days. The construction of the lake will begin upon receipt of the permit. The completion of the lake is still projected to be in March of 2022. You might infer that if these dates hold true, we may be able to play on the front 9 in April or May of 2022. These dates are dependent on weather, receiving permits in a timely manner, and receiving our supplies on time. As you know, we have had tremendous delays on almost all the components involved in this project because of the supply chain blockages, especially on commodities. I have been quite reticent to predict dates for you, because our contractors and our experts can't predict them for us. I will tell you any firm dates that I receive, on anything, whenever we can obtain them. This week (actually as I write this, yesterday, Dec. 14), we had a record rainfall of 1.4 inches on our rain guage. The drains on the front 9 performed very well, as designed. We had just sodded and hydroseeded the greens on the front 9 so there was some concern about washouts. There were only a couple of minor problems reported by VDLA and O'Connell Landscape. So, it all performed well and we got a good rainfall that we badly needed. Our video of the progress on the golf course is being edited now by Anthony Scalise, our technical advisor. We will make an announcement by eblast when it is available on the website. As I mentioned last month, there will be future instalments that will allow you to see the changes during the project. The video will be put on the website in December. By Don Lopez, Golf Course Renovation Committee Chairman

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