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Sun Lakes Lifestyles February 2022

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | FEBRUARY 2022 | 3 By Marsha Midgett Greetings! 2022 started off like 2021, with many people sick. Masks are back in style in California. While it is difficult to take two steps forward and one step back, we are very fortunate to live in a community where we can stay active and busy without leaving our world. Soon we will be in the middle of an election campaign, not only for three Master Board positions, but for all District Delegates and Alternate District Delegates. There will be a measure on the ballot regarding drought-tolerant plans for the golf course. There will be additional Town Hall meetings explaining the plan. Please plan to attend one so you are informed on what you will be voting for. In addition to the individual candidate statements, there will be a Candidates Forum on March 1 where questions will be asked of each candidate for their viewpoint on the community. This will be live on Channel 97 and recorded for additional play time throughout the campaign period. If you are unable to attend this in person, please take time to watch the forum so you can make an informed choice on who you want to represent you on the Master Board. Depending on COVID protocols, there may be more intimate coffees and meetings with the candidates. You can bring your own questions at this time to get a feel for what a candidate has to offer to serve on the Master Board. From the President's Desk What are the duties of a Master Board member? Per the Davis Sterling Act, they include the following: • Director Fiduciary Duties – Board members have a duty to act with the utmost good faith and reasonable care for the benefit of the association and its members. • Duty of Care – Directors must be diligent and careful in performing the duties they have undertaken. Directors must attend and participate in meetings so they can be informed about the association's business. They must make reasonable inquiries regarding maintenance issues, rule violations, etc. They must make decisions, keep records, and enforce the governing documents. • Duty of Loyalty – Directors must protect the interests of the association and refrain from anything that would injure it. They must act in the best interest of the association even if it is at the expense of their own interests. Directors have a duty to keep confidential matters confidential. • Duty to Preserve Common Areas – Boards have a duty to protect, preserve, and enhance the assets of the association. These are a few of the duties of a Board member. See additional information in the Davis Sterling Act ( Hopefully this helps you when marking your ballots this year. As we move forward into 2022, I encourage everyone to stay as positive as possible and be informed when electing those who choose to volunteer their time and talent for the benefit of Sun Lakes! Quote of the Month – "I'm a big cockeyed optimist. I try to accentuate the positive as opposed to the negative." ~ Betty White

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