Step It Up Line Dancing
I hope you had a wonderful New Year and let's make it a great
year. If you know anyone that wants to learn line dancing let
them know about our class. Not only do we learn new dances
but we have so much fun that class is like a bunch of friends
just hanging out. My basic beginner classes are Mondays at
12:30 to 1:30 pm and beginner/intermediate starts at 1:30 pm.
Step It Up Line Dancing will be hosting the Super Bowl once again
this year in The Lodge. The game will be held on Feb. 13 and we
will open at 12:30 pm for fun, games, and prizes before the start of
the game as well as a Super Bowl square give away game. It's
awesome watching the game on the BIG screen with the BIG
sound system. Don't sit home alone and watch, come out and
share the experience and excitement with fellow Four Seasons
football fanatics. I will set up for a potluck so you are welcome to
bring your favorite Super Bowl dish to share with others if you like.
I believe Kopper Kettle will have some special dishes for Super Bowl.
Please RSVP to Janine at (949) 326-3133 if you plan to go. See you at
the game! ~ Janine Rohrbacker
What a bunch of great sports! Check out some of your friends and
neighbors in their Christmas jammies as they came out to sing the
holiday hits. Things were truly jolly for the Christmas karaoke night.
Karaoke starts at 5:30 pm and will be held in The Lodge Ballroom
on the third Saturday of each month for 2022. We have a pretty
extensive list of songs available to sing from so there is no excuse not
to come out and give it a try. It's a really fun night and until then…
just sing, sing a song! ~ David Rohrbacker