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Ocean Hills CC Living April 2022

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| OHCC LIVING | APRIL 2022 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, President (2021-2022), Board of Directors It is a wonderful spring in San Diego! The day now outlives the night, daylight saving time has returned, and our magical corner of the world is in full bloom. We worked to be here, but we are all very lucky that we made it! Half a world away, there is a brutal war destroying the lives of people who are mostly like you and me. I am reminded all too often of my school days when civil defense drills had us on the floor under our desks, homes were being built with fallout shelters and we sometimes wondered when we went to bed at night whether there would again be a tomorrow morning. Let us all do what we can and what we must to assure that we do not return to those days. Karen Thompson is now ably serving as our General Manager, having cheerfully stepped in on a moment's notice. Other staff vacancies are also being filled, and some current staff are changing roles in the process. We hope each of these changes is a breeze which blows fresh air into our organization and improves our ability to serve our members. Please give these staff your support and patience as they grow into their new positions. The agonizingly slow process of creating our lake and taking advantage of our well grinds on. As of this writing, the contractor has still not submitted an application for a grading permit to the city of Oceanside. Progress on supplying electrical power to the lake and the well has been crawling along due to the high demands on contractors and other factors. However, it appears that we are now moving toward having an approved design and selecting a contractor to proceed with the work. The "wild card" in this process will be the timetable of San Diego Gas & Electric to install a transformer in the mystery dugout on Leisure Village Way across from the park. With our longer, sunny days our grass is finally growing well. All of the greens collars have been sodded and all of the greens have been hydroseeded. The sun and extra water will help the sod put down roots and the seed to germinate, but it will take several months until they are ready for play. Most of you would be surprised to see golf balls lying on the newly seeded greens and the bicycle and single rider cart tracks across them. You might expect that your neighbors had the common sense, the decency, and the respect for our common property to stay off the course until it has recovered. Sadly, a few clearly do not; we ask your help by calling the Community Patrol if you see any unauthorized person vandalizing our property in this way. We have modified our citation and fines practices to conform more closely to accepted legal procedures. This requires the Board to act on all recommendations of fines from the Citation Review Committee or CRC. The CRC works to balance the needs to enforce our rules and pay attention to safety while dealing fairly with our Members. Stopping at stop signs, keeping your speed at or below 25 miles per hour, and not parking in front of fire hydrants and mailboxes or overnight in prohibited areas — and advising your guests and workmen to do the same—will help you avoid citations. Please remember that the guest passes contain information regarding traffic and parking, and the Community Patrol officers at the front gate will assist with any questions or concerns. If you have been cited in error or there are serious extenuating circumstances, please avail yourself of the hearing process. But if you are properly cited for one of these mistakes, owning up to it and moving on would avoid burdening these very busy volunteers with the hearing process. Absent a significant oversight by the CRC, the Board is very likely to accept its recommendations. Our new monument sign and landscaping are now all in place at our front entrance. We have a new cover for this beautiful book we call Ocean Hills Country Club that will make people want to open it and see what's inside. After many years of deferral, debate, dithering and design, a group of volunteers lifted us all by getting it done. We particularly need to recognize the efforts of the Landscape Committee and the Community Image and Marketing Committee. It is with profound admiration, but also with deep sadness, that we acknowledge the efforts of Donna Misterly in completing this project. Donna tragically passed away on the very day that the new landscaping was installed, a very ironic turn of events. Donna served this community in a great many capacities; rarely has one person contributed so much to the benefit of so many. She will be sorely missed. The Board met in executive session on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14 to discuss contract and disciplinary matters and review a delinquency and took the following actions: • Approved the Minutes of meetings on Jan. 17 and 21 and Feb. 7 • Approved a moving violation fine of $75 • Reviewed proposals for sports court lighting improvements • Approved a contract with Building Resource Management for Clubhouse cleaning at a cost of $9,206 per month • Approved periodic maintenance evaluations of the Toro Lynx irrigation management system at a cost not to exceed $16,700 per evaluation • Reviewed possible changes in the construction management agreement • Reviewed a delinquency. The Board met in its Regular Monthly Session on Feb. 17 and took the following actions: • Approved the Minutes of the meetings on Jan. 20 and Feb. 3 • Accepted the report of the Executive Finance Committee meeting Continued on following page

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