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Ocean Hills CC Living April 2022

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4 | OHCC LIVING | APRIL 2022 | on Jan. 19 • Accepted the financial report for December 2021 • Approved fund transfers in excess of $10,000 • Approved recording of a lien on Separate Interest Account #1216030201 • Approved changes to the charter of the Community Image and Marketing Committee • Approved the automatic renewal of the management agreement with Keystone Pacific Property Management • Accepted the minutes of the Construction Team Meetings • Accepted a revised Construction Schedule for posting on the website • Approved change order 005 authorizing an additional $75,000 to Van Dyke Landscape Architects for management of the golf course renovation project • Approved a scope of work for a variety of plant installations and removals in the common area at a cost not to exceed $10,981.41 • Approved the proposal of the Garden Club to select and maintain flowers in the blue ceramic pots under the porte-cochere. The Board met in executive session on March 14 to discuss contracts, legal and disciplinary matters and delinquencies and took the following actions: • Imposed two fines of $75 for failure to stop at a stop sign • Imposed two fines of $50 and one of $35 for parking violations • Reviewed a new contract proposal from O'Connell Landscape Maintenance • Discussed legal matters • Reviewed two delinquencies. Thank you for your interest in the affairs of your Association! Golf Course Renovation Report As you may know, we would normally plant our grass in the August- September time frame. However, we had to plant the front 9 in December of 2021, due to all the many COVID related shortages and delays. You have seen a slow growth because we have had too many night time ground temperatures in the 40s. We are now in the March-April time frame which will yield more night time temperatures in the mid-50s which will stimulate faster plant growth. We grassed the back 9 in mid-March which will start experiencing those night time temperatures in the mid-50s in the March-April period. We have hydroseeded the greens with Bent Grass and sodded the collars as well, and the Tees are also finished. Because the back 9 was grassed in a warmer period, it is probable that the Back 9 will catch-up to the front 9. We are irrigating the whole course with our new booster pumps. O'Connell is fertilizing as often as possible in order to stimulate the plant growth. You should start seeing the results more quickly now with the warmer temperatures. We have received the complete lake drawings from Candyl Golf and they have been approved by the Board. The drawings are now being submitted to the City of Oceanside by Candyl for an excavation permit. The approval should be received in 45 days or less. The excavation of the lake is expected to take about 30 days. You may have observed what appeared to be a lot of irrigation on the front 9 that may have looked like it may be too much. There is a good reason for that irrigation; because we planted the front 9 in December, during a very slow growing period, the grass was not growing as fast as it would today. That means the seeds in the greens are sitting in sand and gravel that were specifically selected to be the ideal size, and to yield the desired percolation rate down to the root zone with a mature green. Because these front 9 greens are not nearly mature yet, the water percolates very fast through the sand. That is why O'Connell needs to water more frequently for a shorter time. The water does not soak in like it will when the grass is more mature. When the greens are mature, we will always put more water on the course than we ever did before. As you know, we starved the golf course from water because we could not put enough pressure on the old system to cover the course, in addition to the heads not being in the right locations. Because we will be able to put the right amount of water on the course, which will be an increased amount of water, it was important to identify the water source before starting the renovation. We eliminated reclaimed water and drilled our own well in order to supply that correct amount of water. Thank you all for your support and patience during this project with an incredibly large number of moving parts. By Don Lopez, Golf Course Renovation Committee Chairman President's Message, continued from previous page

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