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Life in Solera May 2022

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| LIFE IN SOLERA | MAY 2022 | 3 FROM THE BOARD By Pat King Before I retired, I worked in San Bernardino and each morning I drove out Golf Club gate into the world and every evening when I headed home and drove through Golf Club gate, I felt like I was driving into my little safe bubble. Those gates shut out the world and I felt secure. However, after a few years, I realized that if I really had a problem, I had to call 911 or Beaumont Police. I asked, "Why do we have a security company if they cannot help me when I need it." Currently, residents appreciate the presence of a Southwest Security Attendant at the Main Gate to check and verify who is coming into Solera and a roving Patrol Officer that drives throughout our community to keep an eye out for possible concerns. However, does that make us a secure community or does it just let us know who is in our community? Or is that important? I do believe it is important and although residents still need to call 911 in times of danger, our new security company performs a number of duties that do assist in keeping our community a safe place. Andrew Archibeque is our new Post Commander. He has a good understanding of the position and has experience in the industry. Like the companies we have had in the past, their purpose is to 'observe and report' to management any concerns or violations. As always, it is important for residents to remember, if you are in danger for whatever reason, call 911. Our new security company will do a great job if we all work together to ensure success at the gate. Residents can do their part by keeping their Gate Sentry Resident List up-to-date and/or call-in their guests and vendors in a timely manner if not on their list. An up-to-date guest list ensures that the line at the gate moves rapidly. Our Attendants and Patrol Officers have a variety of duties they perform every day. The Attendants will be checking identification to ensure all guests are on the resident's guest list. Our Patrol Officers will conduct several random patrols throughout our community 24-hours a day. They will actively 'observe and report' to management any concerns. These are a few additional duties they do daily to ensure our safety. 1. Enforce our Community Rules regarding parking, RVs, golf carts, pet rules, bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, etc. 2. Tour the community and watch for potential acts of vandalism. 3. Report any non-functioning address and/or street lights. 4. Check that all perimeter pedestrian gates are locked and secure. 5. Observe individuals who may have entered our community without authorization, i.e., door-to-door salesmen or kids from neighboring areas and escort them out the gate. If they refuse, security will call 911. 6. Do a nightly walk-through of the Oakmont Clubhouse and grounds. 7. Secure the Mail Room each night. 8. Patrol by foot all Pocket Parks nightly. 9. Notify residents if garage door is left open after 10 pm. 10. Enforce overnight parking violations between 2 and 6 am. 11. Remove any large debris in the roadway. Yes, we do live in a gated community with a security company that does observe and report. They keep an eye on what is happening in our community and report incidents as needed to Management. Webster's definition of secure is 'to relieve from exposure to danger and to act to make safe against adverse contingencies.' Southwest Security Attendants and Patrol Officers will work daily to make our community a safe place to live. Greet them with a friendly smile and wave.

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