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Hemet Herald June 2022

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No room for June gloom… We have a fun month of music planned for you! The Social Committee is having an Elvis concert on the 11th, the Bid Whist Club is celebrating Juneteenth with a Motown Soundz Dance Party on the 17th, and Music on the Plaza the 21st is all the country music you have requested by Rivertucky Band. It sounds like there is something for everyone so get your tickets and come out for the fun! June 14 is Flag Day. This a perfect time to refresh those flags outside your homes and make sure they are not tattered or worn. As always, I am grateful for the work the Flag Angels do year-round. Look for a little history of our own in this issue about the flags on the mountain side. It was a pleasure to talk with the man responsible for their placement. It was a humble reminder that we are blessed to call this country our home. We are such a melting pot of cultures and I look forward to hearing more stories from the residents and how they share their traditions with their families, friends, and neighbors. Many of you have stopped me to inquire about bus trips; they will come. I know it has been a really long time and you are ready to hit the road. Thank you for your patience as I try to work with the bus company and the schedules. Hopefully, the Shred Day and Community Yard Sale were helpful in clearing out some of the stuff you were ready to part with. It is a nice way to lighten the load. When a I spoke with a gentleman signing up to sell, his only goal was to sell enough to cover what his wife was spending that day. It gave me a chuckle, but I am sure he was not the only one with that goal. Have a great month. If you need me, I'm just an email away at 4 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JUNE 2022 | From Your Activities Director By Tracie Rodgers The Association would like to extend this month's appreciation spot light to the people who make up these committees. If you have never planned an event or worked in food service you may think it is all fun and games. These residents make all the hard work look easy and we are grateful them. The Social Committee is charged with overseeing and advising community volunteers that would like to host special events. The committee sponsors several annual events like scavenger hunts, Fourth of July and New Year's Eve. When the pandemic hit, locking all of you in your homes, it was a blow to the Social committee. Of course, they are individual residents that were faced with the same challenges, fears and questions as everybody else. Everything planned was now unplanned and put on a shelf. It is just now in the middle of 2022 that they are able to finally put on events that were planned for 2020. As with any group of social people, their wheels were turning during your time at home and they came up with Zoom events that brought people together in fun and creative ways. Last year, they were able to host an Independence Day Celebration, some dance parties, and New Year's Eve. Organizing events already has its challenges and with the added obstacles of this ever-changing world health crisis, we want to sincerely thank the individuals who come together to bring a spring to our steps and lightness in the air in these often-heavy times. The Bistro Committee gathers to support our Bistro. The Bistro is very important to our community and many residents count on the Bistro. During the time our Lodge was closed, every effort from Team Sunshine and the Bistro Committee was made to keep Francisco in business and food in your bellies. Francisco can be found most days (ALL DAY) in the kitchen cooking. This does not allow much time for meeting with catering clients in the Ballroom or tending to customer issues. The Bistro Committee provides critical administration services to make sure the parties are booked and the Celebrations of Life are worked out. This team of liaisons insures the Bistro's success and the residents' ongoing needs. As individuals, each of them truly want what is best for our community and one of those things is a thriving Bistro! Association Appreciation: Social and Bistro Thank you! Happy Father's Day!

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