Our 4x4 group enjoyed two runs this month. The first was through
Joshua Tree National Park to the Brooklyn Mine area. Our group's
other run took us to Chiriaco Summit where we explored General
Patton's WWII training area. This training area is near Thousand
Palms and extends into Arizona. Beginning in 1942, Armored
Divisions and troops under the command of General Patton
rehearsed and trained for battle leading to their victory against
Rommel's Afrika Korps. We enjoyed the opportunity to walk and
explore several of these areas including two of the Army's remaining
churches; these areas were once huge tent cities. The training area
extends throughout the desert.
Looking at the Army's Catholic Church we can plainly see the
aisle, the seating areas, and the alter with kneeling benches for
Communion and prayer. After our 4x4 and walking tour, many also
visited the General Patton Museum at Chiriaco Summit.
Our group's other run for the month was a trip to the Brooklyn
Mine in the Dale Mining District. Many of the mines are being gated
for safety reasons by the Bureau of Land Management, however the
Brooklyn Mine is one of the largest and most accessible.
If this looks like fun, please join us at our meeting in the RCN on
the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm, our usual day run is
the second Thursday each month. For information contact Brian
Fusilier, at (909) 215-2778, bfusilier@verizon.net or at Scott Snyder
(562) 714-7253, scottdonaldsnyder@gmail.com. ~ Brian Fusilier
4x4 Seasons