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Life in Solera July 2022

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| LIFE IN SOLERA | JULY 2022 | 3 FROM THE BOARD By Pat King Happy Fourth of July! This is a time when we get together with family and friends and remember our many freedoms. As you enjoy this busy time of year, take a moment to think about the freedoms you enjoy living in Solera. Sometimes we take advantage of those freedoms. I would like you to consider your driving habits. When we know we probably won't get a ticket for running a stop sign or speeding down Fairway and out the Brookside gate, we develop bad driving habits. We slide through stop signs, speed through neighborhoods, and don't even think about reminding our guests (especially our younger guests) to watch their speed. Many residents have spoken out about their concern for the way people drive in Solera and they are concerned about getting hit as they cross the street or ride their bikes. This is not a new problem. It has always been a problem in Solera. That is why we have so many stop signs, because someone thought they would help. In the early days of Solera, we actually had residents who were our "Traffic Police." That did not go over very well. We have had two Traffic Committees who did come up with recommendations, asked the Beaumont Police to patrol Solera and give tickets for running stop signs, and now we have a Traffic Calming Committee that is trying to come up with ideas that will slow us down and remind us to stop at stop signs. Several years back, So Cal Edison asked their customers to sign a pledge that said we would use our electricity more responsibly and not use it at certain times. I signed it and that pledge card has haunted me for years. It made me think about proper times to run my air conditioner, dishwasher, and television. It changed my behavior! Recently my husband observed my California stops and said, "If you don't feel a little jolt, you did not stop." He was right! Now I consciously wait for that jolt that shows I really did stop. I am working to change my behavior. Do you recognize your bad driving habits? Our Traffic Calming Committee has several new recommendations we will be asking the Board to consider in the coming months. In the meantime, look at your driving habits and ask yourself if it is time to take personal responsibility and stop at the stop signs and check your speed – especially in the neighborhoods. Speed limits are 25 mph on Fairway, Brentwood, Golf Club and Snowberry. Speed limits are 20 mph in the neighborhoods. Remind your guests! "…look at your driving habits and ask yourself if it is time to take personal responsibility and stop at the stop signs and check your speed…" Please sign the Safe Driving Pledge on page 4

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