By Greg Hill
We want to begin by expressing our gratitude to the HOA
Board for recently approving the purchase of our second
editing laptop computer. This additional computer is
particularly helpful because it has additional ports and it is
based on M2 Apple silicon. This will make it very effective
in pursuing our projects, and it will allow us to perform
editing tests simultaneously.
We are also excited to report the wonderful turnout we
had for our first annual Communication Committee open
house and studio tour. The event was very successful,
and we thank all those who participated. I also want to
acknowledge those members of our Outreach to History
subcommittee who have been working diligently to research
and collate material about the early years of The Colony as
well as pre-Colony years.
We welcome your participation with the Communications
Committee and the opportunity to attend our next regularly
scheduled meeting, which will be on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 10
am in the Clubhouse Meeting Room.