Ocean Hills Anglers
We had our 2022 Lanai party in August. Steve Malone,
OHA secretary, chaired the event, along with help from
multiple volunteers making sure the 100 plus members
and guests had a wonderful time. There was plenty of
smoked and grilled yellowtail for all to enjoy, as well as a variety of
great food served by Bobby's Hideaway. The evening was topped
off by dancing and great entertainment by the Bayou Brothers, who
always make our events very special.
The Ocean Hills Anglers September overnight fishing trip had
to be canceled due to a tropical depression reaching the San Diego
fishery. This tropical depression brought high winds, waves, and rain.
Not a good combination for OHA members and guests. Everyone
signed up for this trip was excited to get out on the water and fish for
some BFT, YFT and Dorado; however, common sense had to prevail.
The last OHA fishing trip of the year will be an
overnight trip leaving Seaforth Landing Thurs., Oct.
13 at 8 pm and will return Fri., Oct. 14 at 7 pm. We
have a few openings left and guests are welcome to
join us. Angler cost is $375 for guests and includes tip, two meals and
an afternoon snack. If you would like to join us, email our charter
master at ron.carso@cox.net.
If you recently moved to OHCC and want to learn more about the
Ocean Hills Anglers, our Club has a website with current information
on Club meetings, fishing trips and social events throughout the year.
https://ohanglers.wixsite.com/ohanglers If you would like to join
the Ocean Hills Anglers, stop by the Clubhouse and ask for the OHA
folder, fill out the new member information form along with a check
for $10 and you will receive a welcome email within a few weeks.