Traveling Lifestyles Traveling Lifestyles
Ever take that "perfect" travel picture or capture your significant other having a great time exploring parts of the world outside our
community gates? Well, now you have a place to share it with others.
For this "Traveling Lifestyles" feature, residents may submit high-quality digital photos to sunlakesnews@yahoo.com. While not
required, we would love to see a copy of the Lifestyles Magazine in your picture. It will be fun to see how far and to what exotic places the
magazine travels. Please be sure to include information to explain your photos, especially the who, what, when, and where. Submit photos
to sunlakesnews@yahoo.com
At right: Bill and Anita Lawrence traveled to Sedona, Arizona at the
end of October to enjoy the stunning red rocks and fall colors of the
Verde Valley. This photo was taken at the Sedona Airport Overlook
with Thunder Mountain in the background.
At right: Our trip included a couple of days in Fiji. Here
we are with our new Fijian friend. (L to R) Karen Winder,
Fijian warrior, Doreen Bryant
Above: Dix and Ellen Henneke recently enjoyed a seven-day trip to
Sedona, Arizona. They drove to Page to tour Lower Antelope Canyon.