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Ocean Hills CC Living January 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | JANUARY 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2022-2023) Our community once again showed its heartwarming generosity as we donated much needed support to the Armed Forces YMCA and military families, Helen Woodward Foundation and many others, not the least of which were the annual cash gifts to the Keystone and Securitas employees organized by the Ocean Hills Holiday Gift Fund Committee. Now that we have returned to the "new normal" of Christmas festivities after the end of the pandemic, we can once again celebrate these holidays in the company of our wonderful friends and neighbors. Mother Nature plays a big role in our HOA. We have suffered through drought and plant diseases, and we have basked in the wonderful San Diego weather. When we have a warm winter, we save on heating costs, but a warm summer costs us more in air conditioning and pool chemicals. As I write this, we are receiving much needed rain that saves us on irrigation water, but if we are gifted too much rain, our roofs and streets require more frequent repair. Having just returned from a week on the Big Island of Hawai'i, I have been humbled by Mother Nature in a new way. According to the natives, Pele was very angry during our visit. We had the rare opportunity to view the eruption of Mauna Loa, including the gases rising from the vent above the 11,000 foot level, the 12-mile-long lava river and some of the 16 square miles of new landscape. It was an awesome sight and gave an entirely new meaning to the term "go with the flow." There is very little we can do to influence these happenings, so go with the flow we must. The Board has at long last received revised plans for the lake prepared by Candyl's subcontractor, Pacific Aquascapes Corporation. We are conferring with the various parties to address questions and concerns and hope to be able to approve them for submission to the City promptly. They call for a lake of just under one acre in surface area and more than 1.6 million gallons capacity with a cobble overflow spillway on the edge of the 17th fairway. These combined projects are now expected to have required an investment of over $4 million by the time they are completed. A summary of what has been spent and what is forecasted is available on the website under OHCC Projects. We sponsored two town hall meetings between the November and December Board meetings. The first was to discuss the proposed transition of the in-home alarm system. The Board heard from many residents who were concerned about both the costs and the functionality of changes. The second was to hear from our Members regarding the proposed construction of a new lanai, and again valuable feedback was received. Both of these events bring to mind the needs to look to the future and to seek feedback directly from a wide circle of residents about their views. To that end, we will be discussing the possibility of forming a committee of Members to consider the directions we should take in terms of amenities, facilities and services of the Association going forward. We sometimes hear residents say that projects are covered by reserves and therefore don't affect our annual assessment or "dues" as they are fondly called. It is true that money is set aside over time for big items so that they don't impact dues when they occur. However, we have never found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow to pay HOA expenses. All of our money comes from annual assessments, including the money we put away for special improvements and future repairs, renovations and replacements. Part of the important work of our Budget and Financial Advisory Committee is to balance current needs against future needs in recommending how much of our dues go toward reserves and how much to day-to-day operations. This year, they will really have their work cut out for them as we deal with high inflation and a heavily labor dependent budget. Our goal will be to hold our increases to no more than the rate of inflation. Fortunately, we have a very talented and experienced team beginning work on the annual budget this month. We can expect no miracles — costs are up all over — but their recommendations will have been carefully considered. The regular monthly meeting was held Nov. 17 and the following actions were taken: • Approved the Minutes of Oct. 20 • Approved fund transfers exceeding $10,000 and abbreviated financials for September • Discussed the vacant parcel of land on Shadowridge and means of disposing of it • Received the minutes of Construction Team meetings and approved posting them on the website • Discussed further traffic safety measures and scheduled further consideration at a future Board meeting • Approved the purchase of eight new tee signs for the golf course • Approved contracting with O'Connell Landscape Maintenance to trench new water lines to the bathroom on the golf course near the 15th tee • Approved the repair of construction damage near the practice putting green subject to confirmation that this is not already a part of the golf contractor's task list • Approved a contract with Ocean Paving and Sealing to seal and re-stripe the RV lot • Approved the tenting of the RV lot utility shed • Appointed Allen Wilson to the Budget and Financial Advisory Committee • Accepted the resignations of Jeannine Ferrari and Carol Jones from the Architectural Review Committee and appointed Angela Takemoto to fill the vacancy for a term ending in 2023 and designated her as chair • Accepted the resignation of Joan Bivin from the Audio-Visual Committee • Approved acceptance of a piano donated by Anne Landau Continued on following page

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