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Four Seasons Beaumont Breeze February 2023

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FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | FEBRUARY 2023 5 Message From The Board Currently the HOA is considering solar power for our facilities, such as The Lodge, Spa Building, RCN Building, Summit and The Courts. The solar company and Trinary Capital require a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 20 years. The Community Planning Committee performed considerable due diligence in their reviews and recently submitted their findings to the Board of Directors. Ballots were sent in the mail to our residents requesting a vote to either authorize the Board of Directors to execute a contract with Trinary Capital or not execute the contract. Highlights of the Power Purchase (PPA) for solar power are: • Zero upfront cost to install from the HOA. • All maintenance and repairs would be covered under the contract. • Provides annual electrical needs for our three clubhouses. • Provides the PPA rate first year at 14.3 cents//kWh. Escalation at 2.99% for each year thereafter. • First year savings is approximately $21,000.00. • Estimated 20 year cost savings $1.3 million. * Assumes Southern California Edison inflation of 5% which reflects a historical average of rate increases over time. The one critical condition to initiate this agreement requires the HOA to commit to a 20-year contract. Currently, per our CC&Rs, the Board of Directors cannot execute a multi-year contract without a positive majority vote by a quorum of owners. For us that is 50% of the 1,853 residents plus one, or at least 928 owners must submit a vote for the approval for the Board to sign the contract to be valid. Once a quorum has been reached, a positive outcome requires that 50% plus one of the votes submitted be Yes in order to authorize the Board to enter into a contract with Trinary Capital for the 20 years. It is important for as many homeowners to cast their vote either by a Yes vote to allow the Board of Directors execution of the 20 year contract or by a No vote to not allow the Board of Directors to execute the contract. Whatever your decision, it is important to have your voice heard on this important issue. Additional information on this solar project can be found on posters at all three of our facilities, fliers, a two minute video explanation by General Manager Eric Zarr, an approximate nine minute video link by Community Planning Chairperson Colin Taylor with more detail on the solar project, and by the television screens at The Lodge Lobby. Please vote. Transportation update from the City of Beaumont reviewed the Second Street extension. The extension of Second Street would go from its current ending adjacent to Kohl's to Pennsylvania Avenue. The approval on this project by the City Council to proceed to a Feasibility Study was obtained in May 2020. Then came the approval to proceed with Final Engineering and Environmental Study obtained in March 2021, and now the final Engineering Plans are pending final approval. The Environmental Document Clearance was anticipated by the end of 2022, and awarding of the contract for construction is expected by the second quarter of 2023. The construction budget on this project is $2.8 million and the expected duration of this project is 12 months. So maybe sometime late in the year 2024 the project's completion will allow Beaumont residents to drive down Second Street and connect with Pennsylvania Avenue. The Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of each month in an open session at 1 pm in The Lodge Ballroom. We also have an informal meeting at the RCN Building on the third Wednesday of each month where residents can discuss topics and ask questions of the Board members in attendance. Informal sessions allow Board members to respond and participate in a question and answer period the more formal sessions do not permit. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (951) 212-8898 or at By Jerry Monahan, Board President

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