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Ocean Hills CC Living February 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | FEBRUARY 2023 | 31 Some of us love to take photos of the food we order in restaurants, to post on social media, to send to friends, or just to remind ourselves later of good times. It's often challenging to figure out exactly what it was or where you were. If you take food photos with "a proper camera" (hat tip Mike McMahon) and it doesn't have a GPS chip, it's really hard to say where you took it if it pops up on a random slide show or somewhere without context. But if you use a modern smartphone and leave location services turned on, you will have recorded the exact location where you took it, and the computer will pop up a little map showing you where you were. So, what's the best way to take photos of food? Well, not to sound like a broken record, but it always depends on the light. If you are outside, that's probably the best light. If you are in a cozy romantic restaurant, that's probably the worst light. If you have poor light, please don't use flash. For one thing, the food will come out looking like it has already been digested. For another, you will irritate other diners seated near you. A smartphone's on-board computer is going to compensate for the poor light and give you a decent photo anyway, if you can hold still enough. A regular camera has a way to turn off flash and you should learn how to use it. Even smartphones have flash, although not very good ones. It's easy to turn off. Consider taking a food photo at different angles, not just looking straight down. Look for items with interesting texture or odd placements. If someone went to the trouble to make a cup of cappuccino look like a work of art, get a shot using the portrait option of your camera or smartphone. The OHCC Photo Club is open to all residents. We meet monthly, most months, at 1 pm on the third Thursday of the month in the Lamia Room. Refreshments of some sort are served. Annual dues are $8 per annum. Photography

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