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16 | OHCC LIVING | FEBRUARY 2023 | The Dance Troupe meets in various classes where we learn new steps and techniques. These steps are combined to create the dances for our next show, coming to you in spring 2024. There are instructors for jazz, tap, Hawaiian, belly dancing, and ballet. It is great to get together weekly, and our goal is to have fun while doing it. There is no rule for how many classes a dancer can attend. Some enjoy all the classes while others participate in just one. It's a personal choice. The 2023 Dance Troupe Board consists of the following dancers: Phyllis Buvel and Marcia Ward remain as co-Presidents for the year; Nancy Trimino, new Vice President; Martha Cannon remains as Secretary; Karla Sando, new Treasurer; Joan Costello, new Co-chair for Socials; Lynn Wheeler, new Membership Chair; Donna Butler, new Author of OHCC Living Articles; Valerie Thompson remains as Hawaiian Rep; Sharon Lair remains as Belly Dancing Rep; Jackie Stanislawski remains as Sunshine Lady Vice President, Nancy Trimino: I danced in high school, mostly contemporary and jazz. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to dance in the Disneyland Fantasy on Parade every holiday season for about 10 years. This is where I discovered my love of performing. I studied ballet as an adult, achieving my goal of dancing on pointe in my early 30s. Joining the OH Dance Troupe has been a great experience. It is such a fun and supportive environment. Dancing is challenging mentally and physically, and I have rediscovered the joy of performing! Treasurer, Karla Sando: I always loved to dance but I never took tap, jazz or ballet lessons until I moved to OHCC. Taka, a member of the Dance Troupe, approached me at a party and talked to me about the Dance Troupe and convinced me to give it a try. Best thing I ever did. Not only is it fun, but it also helps me improve physically and I have met the most supportive group of friends one could ever hope for. I have always been a numbers person and having a career in finance for over 45 years, I was more than happy to step up when the club needed a new treasurer. Co-chair for Socials, Joan Costello: I am known for dancing around the house. It was no surprise when an adult tap and jazz class was offered at the studio where my daughter danced, that I began to take lessons… about 45 years ago. I must admit when I saw that Ocean Hills had a Dance Troupe and offered lessons, it definitely swayed me toward locating here. I have not been sorry. I have met wonderful people, have had such fun, while polishing my "skills." I love every minute of it. Dancing has always brought a smile to my face and happiness to my soul. Membership Chair, Lynn Wheeler: I have always loved dancing, but have not had any formal training until I discovered Ballroom dancing in 1998. I began competing in International Standard in 2000 and continued until 2007. Moving to OHCC and discovering the Dance Troupe has sparked a new love of jazz, tap and ballet and the wonderful and caring women that participate. Author of OHCC Living Articles, Donna Butler: I started tap and ballet when I was three, then moving to jazz and contemporary. I gave it up for other high school activities, but always missed it. When I retired in 2018, we moved to OHCC. At 2019 Do Dues Day, there was a booth for OH Dance Troupe. I signed up and have been dancing ever since. I truly enjoy dancing. It takes me to my happy place, keeps my body moving, and my brain and muscle memory going constantly. I've made some great friends in the Dance Troupe. At retirement I was Manager of Publishing, so writing articles is a logical spot for me. If you would like to join us, the contacts are: jazz or tap; Hawaiian, Valerie Thompson; belly dancing, Sharon Lair at (760) 822-2670; ballet, Nancy Trimino Come dance with us! Ocean Hills Dance Troupe

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