Garden Club
If you came to our January meeting hoping to hear Fred Clarke
speak, we're sorry he had a scheduling conflict and had to reschedule
for the February meeting. We hope you enjoyed our Garden Club
Trivia Contest and made some new Garden Club friends. If you
didn't make it to Do Dues Day, you can always join the Garden Club
at our meetings; dues are still only $10.
As you drive along I-5 off Palomar Airport Road in the spring,
I'm sure you've seen or visited the almost 50 acres of Giant Tecolote
Ranunculus flowers, known as the Carlsbad Flower Fields. Our
Feb. 8 meeting speaker will be Fred Clarke, the General Manager of
the Carlsbad Flower Fields. Fred is also the owner of Sunset Valley
Orchids in Vista and a world-renowned grower and hybridizer of
orchids. He has been teaching floral design for over 20 years. He will
speak about the Flower Fields.
Our meeting social time begins at 9:30 am and the speaker begins
at 10 am. We always have a shared table at the side entrance, if you
have any seeds or cuttings you would like to share with others, please
leave them on the table. Check it out before the meeting.