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Ocean Hills CC Living February 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | FEBRUARY 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2022-2023) As the atmospheric rivers flow across the globe to California, our neighbors to the north have suffered tremendous damage and disruption to their lives. By contrast, we have had only minor damage (although my home had no less than eight leaks, all of them apparently from windows and decks), but money is falling from our skies. Despite the spate of Clubhouse leaks we inevitably experience when we have real rainfall here in the chapparal, I wish to remind everyone that this reduces our irrigating water costs, one of our largest expenses. We experienced water intrusion in the Mykonos Room and the Billiards Room due to the failure of rain gutters and are working on a comprehensive prevention program for the future. There has been some damage to floors, and we are evaluating their repair or replacement and the extent to which our insurance will cover the damage. Our Clubhouse hot water heaters (also known as boilers) appear to have been successfully nursed along since it was built almost four decades ago. Alas, they both went to their eternal rust and we had to replace them. [It's a water pun so you may not get it until it soaks in!] The original equipment was designed to provide superheated water to the kitchen, but that is no longer necessary. This allowed us to use tankless equipment that is far more efficient than the old equipment, and hot water has been restored. While it is never a convenient time for something to break, our replacement of this outdated system came just as natural gas prices doubled. We are glad that we became more efficient in the nick of time. We are only a few weeks away from the special Board meeting on Feb. 6 to present and consider the proposed budget as we do every year at this time. Our budget must be approved by the Board and (per statute) provided to the Members at least 28 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year on April 1. This requires Board approval no later than early February to allow time to print and distribute it by about March 1. We have been working with the new reserve analysis firm, Barrera and Company, who did a study from the ground up. We have already been through three drafts and are pleased with their fresh point of view and the results. This current year is being subsidized by several years of accumulated surplus. Based on our forecast of actual expenditures for the full fiscal year, that subsidy is allowing us to have a monthly assessment about $40 lower than required to break even. Next year we will not have that pot of money to draw from, plus we will have to deal with high inflation. We also need to remind people that the money spent on maintenance projects like street paving or the golf course has come from funds set aside over many previous years and did not impact our operating deficit. The Budget and Financial Advisory Committee and staff are working diligently to come up with a proposal that addresses these difficult issues. We have not succeeded in getting the "punch list" items completed by the golf course contractor. We are carefully weighing actions to move this and the well work forward. The good news, however, is that our electrical contractor, Berg Electric, has been able to find an alternate and local source for essential equipment. Our prior source could not deliver until May of 2024. Our new source can deliver in April of 2023, is located in Southern California and uses domestic sources for all components. We have engaged a civil engineering firm to assist in completing the application to the City of Oceanside for the electrical service installation and are hopeful of beginning installation in the near future. The Regular Monthly Meeting for December was held on Dec. 15 and the following actions were taken: • Approved the Minutes of Nov. 17 • Approved fund transfers exceeding $10,000 and abbreviated financials for October • Approved the minutes of the Executive Finance Committee meetings on Nov. 2 and 28 • Approved recording a lien on Account #1216092101 • Received the minutes of Construction Team meetings and approved posting them on the website • Extended indefinitely the deadline for discontinuance of the emergency monitoring system and calendared further discussion for January 2024 • Upheld a homeowner's appeal regarding a gate wider than the specified maximum • Approved the purchase of two additional automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for the golf course • Approved the purchase of additional camera equipment for Abravanel Hall • Approved the preliminary design of a lanai structure recommended by the Ad Hoc Lanai Committee and approved posting the Committee's recommendations on the website • Engaged Empire Steel to prepare plans for submission to the City for permitting • Approved the engagement of Kathy Fortenberry to provide drafting services • Dissolved the Ad Hoc Lanai Committee and created the Ad Hoc Lanai Technical Oversight Committee comprised of Scott Goldwasser as chair, Nick Novellino, Brian Buchan, Tom Murphy, Bob St. Laurent and Michael Urban. The Board met in Executive Session on Dec. 22 to review contract matters and took the following actions: • Engaged Bristlecone Engineering to provide services required to complete the electrical permit application to the City of Oceanside at a cost not to exceed $14,995 • Reviewed proposals to replace the non-functional boilers at the Clubhouse and requested staff to obtain additional information. The Board met again in executive session on Dec. 28 to review contract and legal matters and to review delinquencies and took the Continued on following page

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