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Ocean Hills CC Living July 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | JULY 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2022-2023) Typically there are two factors that influence participation in HOA elections: boredom or controversy. Many HOA's struggle to obtain a quorum on routine matters and have to pursue less desirable alternative ways of conducting business. Others experience controversy which brings out voters in droves, often with significant chunks of the community lined up on opposite sides of the issue. We have certainly not been immune to controversy here in Ocean Hills Country Club. We had spirited discussions about modifying the CC&Rs, election signs, dealing with COVID-19 and the future of our emergency monitoring system, among others. But after having lived here more than ten years, I am pleased to say that we have dealt with controversy in an open and civil manner. And we are pleased to say that our homeowners take their duties seriously, and we have consistently had adequate participation in our elections. During my five years of service on the Master Board, we have had a few awkward moments where things didn't go as we would have liked. But we have evolved a process that is somewhat unusual in the HOA world. • We look at what information should be made public by asking "Is there a compelling reason to withhold this information from our Members?" rather than asking if we are legally compelled to disclose it. • We use our website to share such information and emails to keep the community abreast of our activities. • We conduct our public business with the ability of any of our homeowners to make comments and ask questions while still allowing the Board to do its duty in a reasonable fashion. (I am a full believer in representative democracy with the Board elected to act on behalf of the Members, and our meetings are for the Board's work. But we have preserved the rights of our Members to be heard.) • We provide an opportunity at each meeting for people to bring to the Board's attention any issues which may be new or overlooked or inadequately resolved. We do this at the conclusion of other business because time should be devoted first to the items we have already determined to be worthy of attention. • And while I'm sure there are many homeowners associations which use multimedia, I am unaware of any others which stream their meetings on the internet, broadcast them on closed circuit television and use on-line meeting technology as well as in-person attendance. We are not perfect, but we are justifiably proud of how we conduct business for OHCC. A marketplace of ideas improves the quality of outcomes. Accordingly, I am pleased to note that we have six candidates running for four two-year terms as Directors. John Lesser, Gretchen Webster and Allen Wilson are running in addition to incumbents Don Lopez, Mariann Michaels and me. A candidate forum will be held at the Clubhouse on June 29, ballots will be mailed on July 10 and the election will be concluded at the Annual Meeting on Aug. 17. Please inform yourselves and cast your ballots and encourage your neighbors to do the same. It would be great if we had a large turnout! July will mark the first-year anniversary of our General Manager Gloria Todisco. Even the most experienced and well-motivated Board relies on a seasoned and competent staff, led by the General Manager. Gloria has initiated many welcome improvements in our behind the scenes operations. She has recently moved from Menifee to Oceanside where she can share in the benefits of our wonderful coastal community. We congratulate her on this anniversary and look forward to doing continued good work with her in the future. It seems my President's Report is never complete without reference to the weather and the golf course. Rather than disappoint the readers of Living, I will say this: the golf course has not matured as quickly as we had hoped because the gloomy weather has delayed the propagation of the Bermuda grass. We expect that when the sun again smiles on Ocean Hills that our golf course will respond with green smiles of its own. The Lanai project is moving rapidly toward permitting. An unexpected complication is that the soil under the lanai area is unstable. It will require cranes, drills and other heavy equipment to prepare footings up to 24 feet deep to reach the bedrock below. There will be over 5,000 cubic feet of earth removed and over 5,000 cubic feet of steel reinforced concrete put in its place to support the 185,000 pounds of structure. We should call it the Iceberg Lanai, since most of it will be below the surface! The Regular Monthly Meeting for May was held on Thursday the 18th and the following actions were taken: • Approved the Minutes of April 20 • Approved the report of the Executive Finance Committee meeting of May 8 Continued on following page

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