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Ocean Hills CC Living July 2023

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4 | OHCC LIVING | JULY 2023 | Continued from page 3 • Approved fund transfers exceeding $10,000 and abbreviated financials for March • Approved posting the minutes of the Construction Team Meetings on the website • Reviewed recommendations for the Image and Marketing Committee for casa bathroom renovations and directed that the sample materials be put on display in the Clubhouse for public comment • Deferred action on a request to renovate a decomposed granite path on the golf course until further Board review • Deferred action on additional safety nets for the golf course pending Board review • Authorized the removal of five pine trees infected with Pine Bark Beetle and directed staff to develop further recommendations • Reviewed a proposal to place a concrete table and benches in a grassy area and referred it to the Community Services Committee • Discussed a pending review of communication systems and networks and its possible impact on monitoring systems, including call buttons, "red phones" and home monitoring systems • Approved an HVAC repair in the Clubhouse for $4,959.69 • Approved the purchase of eight cameras and memory cards for use in traffic rule enforcement. The Board met in executive session on June 12 and: • Approved the Minutes of the executive session on May 15 and corrected the Minutes of Feb. 13 • Approved Citation Review Committee recommendations of a fine for failing to stop at a stop sign and two for reckless driving and levied fines of $75 in each case, and rejected one recommendation for failure to stop. • Reviewed a delinquency and authorized foreclosure action as necessary • Reviewed several legal matters • Approved temporary use of a waiver of Keystone liability for small vendors • Discussed potential staffing issues related to Keystone personnel • Discussed possible staffing and fee changes for Securitas • Reviewed proposals for network and telephone system analyses and approved contracts for an estimated $12,000 but not to exceed $13,200 • Reviewed the status of contracts for Lanai work and authorized proceeding with the building permit application • Reviewed the status of paving contracts and services and requested a proposal from Associated Engineering Consultants • Discussed alternatives for sale of the Shadowridge lot • Approved an indemnity agreement with Precision Pumping Systems, Inc. • Approved contracting again with Atlas for a comprehensive tree assessment for an amount not to exceed $15,680 • Approved a contract with O'Connell Landscape Maintenance to inoculate 32 selected pine trees against pine bark beetle infestation for $10,656. Thank you for your interest in the affairs of your association! e Executive Finance Committee met on June 8, 2023 to review and approve the April 30, 2023 financial statements as posted to the website. e variance from budget for the first month of the fiscal year was $102,762. Higher interest rates have increased the income variance. e expense variance has mainly been from lower water usage due to the recent rains. An article that I read stated that that we had more rainfall in the first quarter of 2023 than for the entire calendar year of 2022. Although rains have decreased somewhat in April 2023, our actual usage was still less than projected for this month. e positive variance at April 30, 2023 has increased the equity balance to $487,441. Please be advised that the March 31, 2023 financial statements are being audited and some adjustments could be made to equity . Currently the state of the Association's finances remains sound and stable. Treasurer's Report By Ann Collins, OHCC Treasurer Balance Sheet: 30, April 2023 Operating Cash and Receivables $ 920,596 Reserves and Other $ 5,094,399 Total Assets $ 6,014,995 Reserve Obligations $ 4,873,924 Current Liabilities $ 653,630 Total Liabilities & Obligations $ 5,527,554 Equity $ 487,441 Income Statement: One month ended April 30, 2023 (Unaudited) Budget Actual Variance Income $ 788,752 $ 796,697 $ 7,945 Expenses $ 806,198 $ 711,381 $ 94,817 Net ($ 17,446) $ 85,316 $ 102,762

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