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Sun Lakes Lifestyles July 2023

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16 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JULY 2023 | Sun Lakes Committee Reports The FAC is an advisory committee designed to support the Sun Lakes Board, analyze financial information, and to provide recommendations to the Board and Management company. These recommendations are intended to maintain and improve the financial performance of the community. This month we would like to focus on the importance of all committees and how we, as an advisory committee, feel that we can best serve the Board and the community. First, the FAC feels that we can have a significant impact on improving the financial position of our community. This will only be accomplished by having a strong team of residents working together with Management and the Board. The Committee would like to be organized with a team of members with varied skills from our previous occupations. Obviously, members with financial and business management backgrounds are important. Our team is currently comprised of residents with these backgrounds but we are in serious need of additional residents who can assist the team with analysis of cash management, reserve accounts management, investment management, and business operations. We feel that Sun Lakes is the most wonderful place to live and that it is all our responsibility to participate in keeping it that way. Our financial success and maintaining our low monthly HOA costs depend upon it. Our committee understands the realities of being retired and that we all live in Sun Lakes to take advantage of the many activities that are available to us. We are sensitive to minimizing the time demands on our members. Please come to one of our monthly meetings to see what we are working on and introduce yourself. For more information, call Don Day at (951) 392-4029. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 2 pm in the Main Clubhouse Multipurpose Room. All are welcome. Financial Advisory VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS You are not alone when you consider the importance of protecting your home. The Master Architectural Committee is experiencing a significant increase in applications for video surveillance cameras. As consistently reported, the job of the MAC is to follow the guidelines provided in the General Statement of Rules and Regulations here at Sun Lakes. They are listed on the Sun Lakes website but, perhaps easier to find, they are in your phone book. Thanks to Jim Miller who shares his, "THIS IS MY BACK YARD…" on the cover of the current phone book. Immediately following the "Z" names listings are the RULES AND REGULATIONS. Video surveillance is addressed on page 84 under "7.33 Security Cameras: The use of video surveillance cameras is permitted to deter acts of vandalism and potential criminal activity, and increase the likelihood that perpetrators of these acts will be identified. Video recording surveillance camera installations must be in compliance with privacy laws governing the collection of personal information. Cameras and/or recording equipment may not impede upon the privacy of neighbors by having camera angles of shared driveway areas and/or an adjacent structure's windows, back or side yards. Cameras may not be directed on community common area." For exterior installations, architectural plans must identify number and location of cameras. The areas each camera will monitor, including the range of scope, is required. Final note: the MAC follows guidelines that are consistent with the California Proposition 24 that was approved by California voters in November 2020 and took effect on Jan. 1, 2023. It covers the definition of personal information if it is collected and associated with an identified or identifiable individual. ~ David Marshall Kealy, Vice Chairman of the Master Architectural Committee Master Architectural

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