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Hemet Herald August 2023

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | AUGUST 2023 | 9 e Landscape Committee devotes many hours each month to ensure that the Four Seasons Common Areas look their best. e Committee has learned valuable lessons aer years of service to our Community homeowners. Here are some insights we've learned: • Hemet has a unique climate that works for some plants and not as well for others. Due to the heat of our summers and the potential of limited freezing weather in winter, choose plants that can survive these climate extremes. Approved plant and tree lists are available at e Lodge. • Choose plants and trees that are an appropriate size at maturity for their locations. Overplanting of just-purchased plants to fill in areas results in overcrowding and increased maintenance at maturity. • Choose plants and trees that complement your home and won't cause problems for your neighbors. Plants and trees that overhang property lines or block sun and/or solar access are problematic. • Beware of vines growing on your home or shrubs and trees too close to structures. ese can be pathways for rats and other vermin to enter your attic resulting in future pest problems. Additionally rats and other vermin can chew electric wiring – including wiring for solar panel installations. • Other concerns for plants too close to homes include wind damage from falling branches and potential fire concerns from flying embers. • If you have allergies, be aware that some plants, such as Little Johns, can attract bees. Other plants can emit excess pollen. • ere is no such thing as "no maintenance" landscaping. Weeds even grow in the cracks or joints of concrete. Drought tolerant landscape can be attractive, but weeding and trimming are still required over time. • Overwatering is not only unnecessary and wasteful, but can, and does, damage our streets. We all pay more association dues to repair the damage from excess water running onto our streets. • Finally, any changes to your landscaping require Architectural Review Committee approval. Our Standards and Regulations specify a minimum of 60% green areas in front yards. Application forms are available at e Lodge. If you have any specific questions regarding approval requirements, please make an appointment to speak with Maria Donti at e Lodge. e Landscape Committee welcomes applications for new members. Our volunteer members are passionate about the appearance of our Common Area landscaping, but specific landscape expertise is not required. Please consider joining this exciting Committee! Landscape Committee Little John plants attract bees

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