Image Up Advertising & Design

Hemet Herald August 2023

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We have previously focused on the past and the present, so let's look at the future and what it looks like for us, our children, and grandchildren. One important factor that is becoming impactive is AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI is soware and machines that think with human-like intelligence. In the past, computer algorithms followed a series of instructions to complete a task. An example is our thermostat, which has sensors to detect temperature and instructions to turn on the furnace. We have been using AI for years in our homes and offices. AI digital assistants, such as Siri, help us navigate the Internet. Why has AI suddenly become so significant? ree technological events have coalesced. First: Computers are much faster. ere's a new supercomputer optimized for AI that can perform a quintillion (that's a billion billion) calculations per second. Second: Powerful mathematical systems have been created based on the way the human brain processes information. Some learn skills by finding statistical patterns in enormous amounts of data. ese computer algorithms are so fast that they almost appear to possess human thought. Finally: e digitalization of nearly every aspect of our lives has created mountains of data critical for the algorithms to learn from. Ninety percent of all the world's data was generated over the last two years. One AI tool that has generated a lot of attention recently is ChatGPT. "Generative Pre-trained Transformer" (Chat GPT) is used through a browser such as Google Chrome or Microso Edge. When you type a request into the query box, ChatGPT responds within seconds and remembers the question so you can fine-tune it. It's important to know what you reveal because ChatGPT collects data about everything you say. It's hard to predict what new skills the algorithms will learn or how the public will use these new skills. Many useful applications will help detect diseases that doctors miss, as well as impact other health issues. Self-driving cars are being developed. ere are concerns about how AI will be used, such as replacing people whose work is repetitive. When ChatGPT can compose original songs, write computer code, and take the bar exam (It recently scored in the 90th percentile), we know peoples' lives will be changing. Our lives have been transformed by the internet and smartphones, and AI will soon become a major factor in our world. AI will constantly challenge our culture and institutions to regulate and control it. We hope it will be used to improve everyone's lives. Do you remember e Golden Rule? It's the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It's also important to treat others as they want to be treated. Have some of us forgotten common courtesies? Here are a few we all need to follow: • Be on time - Chronic lateness sends the message to others that their time is not important to you. Letting someone know you're running late shows that you do care about them. • Let people finish what they're saying - Cutting someone off mid-sentence gives the impression that you don't care about what the other person is saying. • Park within the lines - Encroaching on another parking spot, even for just a few minutes, has a domino effect. • Put down your phone and interact with those around you - Not only is it polite, it can be rewarding. "I have ever deemed it more honorable and more profitable, too, to set a good example than to follow a bad one." omas Jefferson Message from the Board of Directors 2 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | AUGUST 2023 | Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board of Directors, Barbra Balser, Cliff Post, Tony Criscenti, Roxy Snider, Fred Kydd, and Mary Reyna Jim Crase President

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