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Solera Diamond Valley View October 2023

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | OCTOBER 2023 Message From the Board By Dana Kilpatrick, Board Member is will be my last article for e View as a Board member and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share with all of you one more time in this capacity. I came onto the Board two years and eight months ago just as the COVID crisis was ending. ere had been a lot of turmoil as a result of the pandemic here at SDV, just as there was all over the world. e Lodge and facilities had been closed and we only had 50 percent of the staff we needed from Seabreeze working at that time. Fast forward to present day and the Lodge is open normal hours, activities are all back on the books, and we have a complete and excellent Seabreeze staff. It has been rewarding to be a part of the team throughout these events. I want to say a special "thank you" to the residents who come to the Board meetings (both in person and on Zoom), Coffee with the Manager and BOD, Special Session meetings and Workshops, etc. You all put a face on the reason why we are working hard behind the scenes and your participation makes a big difference. I look forward to joining you soon! ~ Respectfully, Dana Kilpatrick Community Updates By Tyler Barber, Property Services Manager Management is starting to receive more and more concerns about the increase of non-residents within the community. Please keep in mind that the streets are city streets. e security of city streets is dependent on the police, not the Association's patrol vendor. If you are experiencing any issues on public walkways and/ or streets, please contact the Hemet non-emergency police line at (951) 765-2400. Otherwise, if you are experiencing issues on Common Area, please contact the Management Office via phone at (951) 652-5766 or via email at tyler.barber@seabreezemgmt. com. Management will do their best to inform non-residents of the private area that is the Common Area and request they leave the Common Area. Keep in mind that we may not be able to intercept every non-resident that gets onto the Common Area. ank you for your anticipated understanding. Violations: Opened- 3 ; Closed- 28 By Daniel Mendez, EPAC member Are you ready for the Oct. 19 Green Card Drill beginning at 10:19 am? e purpose of the cards and the drill is to make you aware of how they work and to remind you, if you don't have the red and green cards, they are available for free at the front desk. ese cards are very helpful aer a major quake to assist first responders, CERT members, and Neighborhood Volunteers determine if you need help right away. e way it works is this: Green Card: Place this card in your window as soon as possible aer a major quake to let the first responders and volunteers know that everyone at home is okay and there are no major injuries and rescue is not needed. is way, at a glance, the responders can move quickly to the next house to see if anyone there needs help. is is called a "sweep" of the community. Red Card: is indicates you or someone in your home may have a major injury or are trapped under falling debris. We will get help to you as soon as possible. Many members of our community are CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) trained, or have medical training, or are able and willing to help however they can. No Card: If there isn't a card in your window we still check on you in case you are unable to get to the door. In the case of "no card" a first responder will ring your bell and call out to you to ask if anyone needs help. Green Card Day is just a drill so, please, use only your GREEN cards on the Oct. 19. Place it in a front facing window before 10:19 am and leave them up for a couple of hours while EPAC and Neighborhood Volunteers can compete their sweep. Emergency Green Card Day COFFEE WITH THE BOARD & GM: TUES., OCT. 24 AT 2 PM

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