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Ocean Hills CC Living October 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2023 | 47 e Billiards Club tournament for August was 9-Ball. Aer the break, players must sink the nine balls in numerical order, and you do not have to call your shot. e player to sink the 9-ball wins. Twelve members competed in a round-robin format on our six tables. Club experience has shown that our B-skill players have an equal chance against an A-skill player when the B player gets to win by sinking either the 8-ball or the 9-ball. at handicap did prove to make these B players competitive: Fred Ganoe had four wins, Don Williams five wins, and Bill Crosby six wins. President Charlie Payne had only two wins. Cal Roe, Billiards Club Vice President of Tournaments, set up the order of play. Janice Pelcher, Club Secretary, kept track of scores. ere was never a dull moment. During round two, Leo Beeloo sank the 9-ball on the break to win the game! Peter Fiore did the same in round six. Cal Roe made a combination shot off the 6-ball for his match win in round three. We played nine rounds, including 54 matches, in one and a half hours. Peter Fiore won seven matches. Dan Wilkerson, Gary Webb, Bill Crosby and Cal Roe won six matches each. A spot-shot play-off between Dan, Gary, Bill and Cal was used to determine who qualified for the final cash matches. In the semi-finals, Peter beat Gary. Cal beat Dan by making a combination shot off the 1-ball to sink the 9-ball - a very unusual game in which only the 9-ball was sunk. In the final match, Cal broke, leaving Peter in a difficult position. Peter blasted a hit- it-hard-and-hope shot. Five balls (including the 9-ball) were moving around the table. e 9-ball rolled the length of the table and dropped in the far corner pocket, eliciting a groan from Cal and a big grin from Peter! Here are the happy winners: e Billiards Club will present the following events this month: urs., Oct. 5, 1:30pm – Game Lesson: Cut roat urs., Oct. 12, 1:30pm – Tournament: Cut roat urs., Oct. 26, 1:30pm – Advanced Lesson: Spot Shots Visit our website at billiardsclub for more information about the club and upcoming events. ~ Cal Roe Billiards Mahjongg Club A good time was had by all who attended the first annual OHCC Mahjongg Club open house. Half of the membership attended, and several brought guests. ere was a yummy snack table provided by the members and a fun vibe in the room. It wasn't a party, but with so many club members attending, people were having fun meeting other members for the first time, sharing calendar details and scheduling time to play. On the information table was a suggestion box as well as new club bookmarks to take home. e bookmarks listed the club's new email address as well as a save-the-date reminder for the 2024 Spring American Mahjongg Tournament. A survey was circulated to collect club member preferences regarding use of the Clubhouse for the upcoming year. ere is interest in having both a day and an evening room reserved for "drop-in and play" sessions. In response to the preferable day of the week question: every day came up with equal weight. is makes the room reservation process a little difficult of course. e survey results also revealed that members have a strong interest in being a substitute player. ree-quarters of the respondents expressed interest in participating as a sub in established games. A centralized repository for a list of subs will help with game scheduling. Our new web-based tool allows members to register contact information on the sub list. Dorothy Miller attended the open house and demonstrated the Mahjongg Club website. Many questions and a number of useful suggestions came from that exchange. If you need a quick reference to the rules or wish to read through answers to "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQs) regarding rules, this is available on the website. If you want to send an email to the club Board of Directors or reference the club calendar this information is available as well. For those who missed the demonstration, the OHCC Social Clubs website serves as the portal for entry. All you need to do is login to the OHCC website, select Social Clubs and then click on Mahjongg. e "Members Only" component requires a password. ~ Dawn Edwards

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