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Ocean Hills CC Living October 2023

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4 | OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2023 | President's Message, continued from previous page e Executive Finance Committee met on Aug. 28 to review July 31, 2023 financial statements. Detailed financial statements are posted on the website. e total variance from budget as of the fourth month of the fiscal year was $130,468. Higher interest rates have increased the income variance. e lower expenses variance has mainly been from less water usage during the recent rains and more efficient use of personnel. e water usage has now increased as warmer summer weather finally arrived. Operating expenses are also lower as we are realizing results from bringing in-house some previously outsourced activities. e equity balance at July 31, 2023 was $474,915. Please be advised that the March 31, 2023 audited financial statements have been approved by the Board and distributed to the community. Currently the state of the Association's finances remains sound and stable. Treasurer's Report By Ann Collins, OHCC Treasurer Balance Sheet: July 31, 2023 Operating Cash and Receivables $ 1,113,875 Reserves and Other $ 5,084,748 Total Assets $6,198,623 Reserve Obligations $ 5,006,569 Current Liabilities $ 717,139 Total Liabilities & Obligations $ 5,723,708 Equity $ 474,915 Income Statement: Four months ended July 31, 2023 Budget Actual Variance Income $ 3,155,006 $ 3,196,510 $ 41,504 Expenses $ 3,199,848 $ 3,110,914 $ (88,934) Net ($ 44,842) $ 85,596 $ 130,438 may be viewed on Cox channel 1960 and online via Zoom. And the monthly glossy magazine with the beautiful cover photographs, OHCC Living, is the official publication of the Ocean Hills Country Club Homeowners Association. I should also note that the HOA does not have a social media presence. In particular, things you read on Facebook or Next Door have not been validated by any knowledgeable HOA source or approved for publication by the HOA. If you like wild imagination, fantasy and speculation — with an occasional spoonful of name calling thrown in--you can get a good dose of it online. A number of our residents posts indicate that attending a new resident orientation would serve them well. Opinions can be exchanged freely, but I find those guided by facts to be much more valuable. Our recent election was a healthy event. We assured reasonable continuity by re-electing two of the three incumbents and gained "new blood" by electing two of the three challengers. Our Inspector of Elections was enthusiastic about having 1,072 participants. However, in a community with 1,632 eligible voters, that means more than one person in every three did not respond; we would certainly prefer a higher level of participation. Whatever the election process, I am enthusiastic to work with this newly-constituted group. We think we can continue to improve this community, and your experiences here, and are determined to do so. ere is a time-honored tradition in the United States to be not only suspicious of government, but actually hostile toward it. Politics here, as they say, is "blood sport." OHCC is but a small, friendly community. Remember that your Board members are VOLUNTEERS. ey give up part of their retirement leisure, without pay, to try to serve the needs of their neighbors. Please treat them as neighbors during their time of service. An executive session of the Board was held urs., Aug. 31 to discuss legal and contract matters but no action was taken. e executive session scheduled for Sept. 18 and the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board scheduled for Sept. 21 occurred aer the deadline for this article. e Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board in October is scheduled for urs., Oct. 19. ank you for your interest in the affairs of your Association.

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