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Ocean Hills CC Living October 2023

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32 | OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2023 | I was inspired aer Robert Genat's wonderful presentation on travel photography at our June Photo Club meeting and was curious about the GoPro camera he used. I had an ulterior motive in that I thought a GoPro camera would be a good thing to wear while walking the Village loop, so that my widow would know who ran me over, which some days seems an inevitability. But Robert had produced photos with a GoPro that at first glance you could never tell weren't taken with a high-end camera. So, knowing nothing, I headed off to Amazon. I found the GoPro HERO 9 Black and put it on my Amazon wish list, knowing we had an anniversary upcoming. And so, the camera arrives. at thing is tiny. e first thing I had to learn was how to open the case to get to the place where the battery goes, where the mini- SD card goes, and where the USB-C jack is for charging it. No manual or anything came with the camera. (at would be too 20th Century.) I found a YouTube video illustrating the process, and in only three more days I had the cover open. It required a LOT of force and a LOT of persistence. It did get looser, but not much. I still haven't mastered the camera. I can do the basics, but the camera is so tiny that the finger-in-the-lens is a problem. For a good introduction to the camera, look for Nathan Clay's book. ere is an iOS app that supports the camera, and I'm thinking you set the camera up on its little stand and frame it as best you can and operate it remotely. e camera creates its own Wi-Fi network, and your phone connects to it. Pretty slick but I'm not sure the range of the Wi-Fi is very far. e quality of the photos and videos shot by the GoPro is very high. But like any camera you have to take the time to learn it. e Ocean Hills Photography Club is open to all residents, with annual dues of $8. For our October meeting, we plan to have Amy Forsythe, a veteran photojournalist who served five combat tours with the Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. We'll have a sign-up at the Clubhouse. Should be a good one. ~ Jim McDonough, jamespmcdonough@, (760) 593-9994 Photography PLC Annual Meeting kicks off our third "Presents for Pets" Meals on Wheels partners with Helen Woodward Humane Society's "AnimMeals" Program to provide individualized free food delivery to those Meals on Wheels clients with pets. In 2021, PLC members decided to donate gis for those clients who seldom can afford gis for their pets and may have no family. We paired up with our local MoW who collected "Wish Lists" from pet parents. ey are collecting the wish lists which will be posted on the Pet Lovers Club website, petlovers, around mid-October. Nov. 4 is also our Annual Board Meeting in the Lamia Room, where members can now also bring their Pet Presents. Sometimes the need is for a bigger item or a pet service, and money from checks made out to OHCC PLC will be used to make those purchases. All pet lovers invited- members and non-members. ese events over the past two years were so rewarding for everyone and the MoW Director said they had always wanted to do something like this but didn't know quite how to go about it. Also, Maria McSweeney is collecting cards and calendars for the Meals on Wheels program. If you want to donate cards and calendars you can leave them at the Clubhouse front desk marked for Maria McSweeney or you can text, her at (312) 502-2027 or email at and she can pick them up. She does this year-round, and during the holidays, these items are added to the gi bags for "Presents for Pets. "is program has been very much appreciated by the MOW clients. Pet Lovers Club

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