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Hemet Herald October 2023

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | OCTOBER 2023 | 23 PAWS For the love of your dog & Four Seasons community, leash your pup at all times… outside your residence or fenced yard! Please – this is NO JOKE! • It's the law (and can carry liability) • It's our Four Seasons regulation • It could save your pet or another's pet, or even a fellow resident What's the Law – and Liability? Riverside County Areas Where Leashes Are Not required: roughout the state, you will find parks, lakes and areas where you do not have to leash your dog, even if the city or county has leash laws. You do not need to leash your pooch: • Within a fenced-in backyard • In a designated off-leash area… • In a dog park designed for pet socialization. In Riverside Areas at Leashes Are Required: If you walk a dog in a public or private area that allows dogs within Riverside County, the dog must wear a handheld leash that does not measure longer than six feet. Just be careful, because if you are using a retractable leash that is eight feet long, but only use six feet of it, that's illegal. You must also have complete control of your dog while he or she is on the leash. If you do not, you may face a fine of a couple hundred dollars for breaking the leash law. I Have A Service Dog – Am I Exempt From Leash Laws? If you have a true service animal, then you are welcome to bring him or her anywhere without a leash. Service dogs are exempt from traditional leash laws. is is also the case with those used by law enforcement agencies or animals currently undergoing dog obedience training. https://r iverside.este y b omb y- prevention-important-california-leash-laws-large-small-dogs/ Also known as running at large, it is against the law in most cities in California to let your dog roam without a leash or on their own. california-dog-leash-laws/ California dog-bite law under Civil Code section 3342 makes dog owners liable for bite injuries that occur in public or on private property where the victim has the lawful right to be. Unlike in other states, California dog bite law holds dog owners strictly liable for dog bites. is means owners generally must compensate victims of dog bites even if their dog showed no prior signs of aggression. 17 California Code of Regulations 2606 is the law that requires doctors to report dog bites. is regulation requires all people to make a report if a human was bitten. All bites have to be reported, even those that do not cause any injuries. y/dog-bite/ doctor-reporting/ What's Our Four Seasons Regulation? 5.3 Containment • Animals belonging to residents or invitees on a residential lot must be kept within an enclosure or enclosed yard of adequate height and strength to prevent escape. • Outside the residence or fenced yard, all animals must be on a leash held by an individual capable of controlling the animal. How Could It Save My Pet, Another's Pet, Or Another Resident? is heartfelt article from Pet Helpful asks everyone to please share this, if only to save the health or even the life of another. We've trimmed it here for brevity – please see the full article for details. Keeping-Dogs-Off-Leash 10 Dangers of Letting a Dog Go Off-Leash 1. Risk of being hit by a car 2. Risk of harming humans 3. Risk of chasing/killing animals 4. Risk of meeting aggressive dogs 5. Risk of Impacting Other Dogs… Off-leash dogs can wreak havoc, interfering with [service animals] work and even causing long-lasting emotional repercussions. 6. Risk of eating something toxic 7. Chances of soiling in inappropriate places 8. Risk of Zoonotic diseases 9. Risk of learning bad habits 10. Risk of being fined TGIF/Karaoke Come and enjoy an evening of dinner, raffle, dancing and Karaoke for those of us who like to sing. Join us in the Ballroom on Oct. 6; 5 pm is table set-up; dinner is 5:30 pm; raffle at 6:30 pm; Karaoke/Dancing starts at 6:45 pm. Bring a dish to share with eight to 10 people, your own utensils, dishes and beverage of choice. If you are concerned about sharing the buffet you may bring your own dinner. All residents are welcome and this is a great way to meet new friends. We gather on the first Friday of every month.

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