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Sun Lakes Lifestyles October 2023

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During an emergency, TAKE YOUR ANIMALS WITH YOU! It is simply too dangerous to leave companion animals unattended during natural disasters. Keep a back-up supply of pet food, prescription meds, kitty litter, and essentials. Also, assemble a pet evacuation kit with the following items: | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 11 Each year, the state of California holds the Great California Shake Out drill. The purpose is to prepare everyone for a large earthquake event. We have participated in the past and will do so again this year. Our goal is to ensure all our residents are prepared and know what to do in any event. On Thurs., Oct. 19, 2023, Sun Lakes' EPAP Organization, District EPAP Coordinators, Zone Captains and MRTs ask all Sun Lakes' residents to participate in this drill. Below is the scenario for this year's drill. We hope everyone will participate. THE SCENARIO FOR THE DRILL (THIS IS JUST A DRILL! THE SCENARIO FOR THE DRILL (THIS IS JUST A DRILL! BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!) BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!) On Oct. 19 at 10:19 am there is a 5.0 earthquake which is centered in the Banning Pass area. Because of the magnitude of the earthquake, the EOC is activated and EPAP District Coordinators and Zone Captains will set up a command post and begin their neighborhood zone check. EOC is getting reports of some damage, a few injuries, electrical outage throughout Sun Lakes, and smoke seen in District 18. 911 calls have been made and within 10 minutes the Police and Fire Department are on scene in District 18 and other districts who have reported damage and/or injuries. Securitas is also responding to District 18, and they are seeing non-emergency vehicles blocking the roads and restricting access to First Responders. Securitas has asked the EPAP Team to assist with crowd control and removal of non-emergency vehicles in the area. An evacuation WARNING has been activated for District 18. Companion Districts 7 and 19 are asked to assist Securitas in going door to door to inform of the evacuation warning in District 18. If you live in District 18, you should gather medication, medical equipment (if needed), important documents, valuable personal items, pets, and pet supplies and your "go bag." Your car should be pulled out of the garage and left in your driveway, ready to leave if a mandatory evacuation notice is ordered. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: EVALUATE YOUR HOUSEHOLD! WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: EVALUATE YOUR HOUSEHOLD! ARE YOU SAFE AND/OR UNINJURED? IS THERE ONLY ARE YOU SAFE AND/OR UNINJURED? IS THERE ONLY MINIMAL OR NO DAMAGE TO YOUR HOME AND/OR MINIMAL OR NO DAMAGE TO YOUR HOME AND/OR PROPERTY? PROPERTY? If you do not need any assistance, place your yellow card in the front window of your house visible to the outside. District Zone Captains will walk their zones and check each home for the "yellow card." If they see the yellow card, they will mark your residents as "good" and move onto the next home. If your card is not in your window, your Zone Captain may attempt to contact you. BE PREPARED: BE PREPARED: This would be a good time to make a list and go over what you would need if you were told to evacuate. Practice gathering items in boxes or crates and visualize putting them in your vehicle. Can you lift them and will they all fit? Remember, depending on the stage of the evacuation you may have only minutes to gather items to take with you. BE READY! For more information about the drill, please contact your district EPAP Coordinator or Zone Captains. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Great California Shake Out Drill Oct. 19 • An animal carrier displaying your name, address, and phone number for each animal • Pet food • Blankets • Bottled water • Leash, harness and collar • Wet wipes • Photocopies of medical and immunization records • Recent photos of your pet (in case you need to create "lost" flyers or provide proof of ownership) • Litter pan and cat litter • Plastic bags DISASTER SUPPLIES

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