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Hemet Herald November 2023

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | NOVEMBER 2023 | 3 General Manager's Message By Rick Ruth, CMCA So far this year, over 35 new residents have moved in. For those of you that are new, and have questions about the community or the goings on, there are several resources available to you. This magazine that you're reading right now is one of them. Other sources are the association's website and, of course, the management office. In addition, if you want to view any documents such as the Board meeting minutes, financials, or the rules and regulations, you can find them on our website https:// You can also contact The Lodge at (951) 325-8188. A few dwellingLIVE gate access reminders: • Please make sure your emergency contact information on our files is current • Please enter your contact information into dwellingLIVE. You can drop off the information at the front desk or email it to • Make sure your emergency contacts are entered as permanent guests into dwellingLIVE. We are happy to assist you if needed. Thank you to those who have submitted age re-verification forms. We reached the minimum requirement to be a legal "senior" community. For those who haven't submitted them, we have begun the next level of enforcement to verify that each home complies. Plans are in place to formally announce Four Seasons is in compliance at our December Board meeting. Another important reminder is about the U.S. Flag. Many residents proudly fly them. We have spotted some flags that are showing signs of being torn or frayed at the end. This reminder is focused on those flags that need attention. Please lower your flag and inspect it for rips and/or tears in the fabric. If it's ripped, frayed or torn, please remove it from the flagpole. Damaged flags can be dropped off at The Lodge and one of our resident VFW members will collect them for proper disposal. Also, if your flag remains on the pole, please make sure the light is working. This holiday season is going to be another really special time at The Lodge. Right after Thanksgiving, The Lodge, garden area, gazebo and the main entry will be decorated with LED lights. The Lodge lobby as well as most of the rooms are always beautifully decorated, even the restrooms. This is what separates Four Seasons at Hemet from the neighboring communities, and all of you should be proud of that. Each year, a lot of folks give of their time to transform The Lodge into a special place to be enjoyed by all. Thank you to our decorating volunteers. For those of you that are new owners, you'll be delighted at the transformation. If you want to volunteer, the Holiday Decorating Committee can always use your help. Let's take a moment to think about the things everyone should be thankful for — health, family, friends, neighbors and the wonderful community you live in. May you and your loved ones have a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday!

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