Happy fall! Come
join all the crafters
at our Craft Show. A
few of our quilting
girls have a booth.
Our group is growing
and we're having a
good time meeting
new ladies who want
to learn more. Come
join us. Meetings are
the first, third and
fifth Mondays of the
month from 1 to 5 pm
in the Arts & Crafts
Room. For info, call
Jan Hamm at (951)
212-6799 or Vivian
Myrdahl at (626) 221-
Sew What? Club
Talented and interested ladies who have an interest in the Sew What Club
are always welcome to attend our meetings on the first and third Tuesdays. We
meet at 12:30 to 2:30 pm in the Arts & Crafts Room. Because our membership
has dwindled, there are some weeks that we have missed meeting because the
few remaining members had other commitments that arise and there is no one
to lead the group. If that has happened to you, don't give up on coming the next
time or giving me a call. My name is Gail and you can reach me at (951) 797-
3589. If I am unable to take your call, please leave your name and number and
a brief message and I will call you back.
Fiber Artists
Holidays are just around the corner; how about a hat or scarf for
your family members? It's not too late. We can get you going and keep
you on track to have it ready for gift giving. There are lots of quick and
easy gifts to make. We meet every Monday in the North Clubhouse
at 12:30 pm. The second Monday of the month we trade out leftover
supplies and patterns, yarns, needles, you name it — and on the
LAST Monday, we share a potluck lunch. We welcome all needle/fiber
crafters… experienced and novice alike. Come join in the fun and
camaraderie of creating together! For information, call Carol Willis at
(404) 245-6939 or Diane Czimbal at (801) 367-5999.