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Hemet Herald December 2023

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30 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | DECEMBER 2023 | Tai Chi You are invited to join a wonderful group of folks on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the Ballroom, from 9:10 to 10 am for Tai Chi. ere is no experience necessary and chairs available as needed. e Harvard Health Medical School reports, "is gentle exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life." ere is no charge for the group, and you can come whenever you are available. We follow two videos and then do a set of movements to music. For more information, join us or call Steve or Peggy Cooper at (951) 599-0123. e Ladies Club celebrated Halloween in style this year! On Oct. 23, our regular meeting day, we dressed in costumes (well, most of us), enjoyed a great lunch, and played games – all in the Ballroom. Oh, and we did have a short business meeting – about 15 minutes long (if you can believe it). e Hallo-Meeting began at noon with a lunch catered by the Bistro. We had ordered and paid for our meals in advance, so we had plenty of time to eat and gab. Later, we settled into a semi- circle of chairs to be serenaded by the ever so talented Graham Ashford. Wow, the guy still has quite a set of pipes and could even hit all those high notes commonly associated with songs of our youth. en it was on to "chair dancing." Julie Rodrigues (our president) cajoled us into sitting or standing and dancing to songs like the Hokey Pokey, YMCA, Macarena, and Hand Jive, complete with all the right gestures. Witches and hippies, flappers a cat, and even a baseball player were all out there tripping the light fantastic. ere were awards for best costumes. First place went to Gitana Johnson, who came dressed in a cleverly designed spider and web outfit. Linda Elliott came nearly incognito as Cruella de Vil of Disney fame. And Joan Haneishi flitted around, dancing up a storm as a beautiful, fluttering butterfly. What a riot! e following Sun., Oct. 28, several of us attended "Funny Little ing Called Love," put on by Play With Your Food Productions here in Hemet. e comedy was made up of four vignettes, stories that all took place under a romantic full moon. It was a laugh a minute! e matinee included a scrumptious meal and dessert. What a lovely aernoon. Our last meeting of the year was Nov. 20. We will hold our Christmas party Dec. 5 at Rockin' K. For questions about the Ladies Club, call or text Julie Rodriguez (951) 821-1970. Our motto: "Having fun, being positive, staying energized and giving back to the community!" FS Ladies Club Our league plays Wednesdays as usual in the morning and aernoon. New players are always welcome. Contact Beth at or (858) 334-9779. Cornhole We have a few people interested in playing horseshoes. There is a horseshoe league that plays on Wednesday mornings at 8 am at different locations around Hemet. We practice Saturdays at 8 am. Horseshoes

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