By Irene Welker
A big thank you goes out
to John Bruce Hammett for
his commitment, time, and
dedication in writing the three very
informative articles on alternative
energy. We appreciate that he went
above and beyond and hosted
two tours of wind farms. Over
60 residents signed up for the
tours. Bruce shared a wealth of
information on the history and
operation of wind farms. The
feedback was very positive.
Did You Miss It?
The Wind Farm Tours Blew Us Away!
Photo by Niles Sundstrom
Photo by Tippi Quiggle:
"e tour was very informative
and we appreciated Bruce's time."
Photo by Irene Welker: "You
don't really get a sense of how
large the windmills are until
you get up close."
Photo by
Irene Welker:
view of
Photo by Barbara
Welker: "Bruce
was so generous to
share this with us.
He was a wealth
of information
and answered
questions with
knowledge and
patience. ank
you to Bruce and
my sister Irene
for their time and
Photo by Steve Rust: "It was lots of fun!"