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Sun Lakes Lifestyles January 2024

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JANUARY 2024 | 63 The picture of newly elected Board members for 2024 and featured at right was taken on Nov. 18 following our annual Turkey Shoot and includes, (L-R): David Nethercott, Sally Jo Schwartz, Anita Chatigny, and Mark Vanderpool. Sally Jo did a great job as our Turkey for the fun of the day. Lise Riehle was not present for this picture. At our Dec. 17 Quarterly Meeting and Holiday Dinner, our 2023 President, William Hendra, completed his year of service. He thanked each one who had an active role in making the year a resounding success. Our Tennis Club members have been very well served in 2023 by our Executive Board members, including President - William Hendra; First VP - Mark Vanderpool; Second VP - Kim Jensen; Treasurer - Lillie Sims; and, Secretary - Peggy Laurel-Thiel. The Nominating Committee for the 2024 Executive Board (Lyn Ball, Peggy Huetten, and David Nethercott) presented the proposed slate of officers for the New Year: President - Mark Vanderpool; First VP - Sally Jo Schwartz; Second VP-David Nethercott; Secretary - Anita Chatigny; and, Treasurer - Lise Riehle. These proposed officers were unanimously elected. The first order of business for every member of the Tennis Club in the New Year is to register and pay 2024 club membership dues ($10). Registration forms for new and returning members are located at the entrance to the South Clubhouse. Tennis Club Membership is open to all Sun Lakers whether one is a tennis player or not. We function as an active social club as well as furthering the game of tennis. The New Year begins with our first Saturday of the Month Skills Session at 8 am, Jan. 6, followed by a Mixed Doubles Mixer at 8:30 am. All residents of Sun Lakes are welcome to drop-in at no cost. Next, an Intermediate/Advanced Clinic is scheduled for Mon., Jan. 14 at 5 pm ($2 per Tennis Club members, $5 per non-member). Participants need to register in advance with a limit of 12. Now, we start the New Year with an emphasis on improving our playing skills with a Tennis Tip by our own tennis pro, Phil Hazelton: Winter is here bringing cold weather. The key to playing in cold weather is to take care of our bodies. Stretching before we play is so very important to prevent muscle tears. When stretching be sure to hold the stretches for 30 seconds and repeat a few times before starting play. Jog around the court. Also, warm up your service arm. These steps will keep us playing through the winter, and not on the sidelines. As always, keep your eye on the ball and the fun in your game. Tennis

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