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Sun Lakes Lifestyles January 2024

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JANUARY 2024 | | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JANUARY 2024 | 67 67 What are we? e Jetsons? Sheryl W. Where can I buy a jet pack? I want to be George Jetson for Halloween 2024! Gary B. I'd bet that the flying cars will be available long before the mess of the 10 freeway and Highland Springs is fixed… and, then, who cares about Caltrans? Barbara C. Jet pack users require express permission of the homeowner: e expression is the look on their face when one hovers over them while they're in the hot tub! Victor G. Always a good laugh but almost missed it until I saw the flying cars. Ron S. Are we now in the Jetsons' Age? Flying Cars and Jet Packs? Hopefully not in our lifetime. Can you picture all the trucks in the air instead of the freeways? ink I might consider taking up permanent residency on one of my favorite RC ships. Ruth R. I've tried contacting Mr. Jetson for more information, but he must have been flying around. Connie C. Jane, stop this crazy thing! Robert B. Watch out for flying people. I need another eyeball on top of my head. Mary Sue C. Has George gotten the latest jet pack for Astro? Julie A. I am worried about moving violations! Sharon K. I can not wait to get a real jet pack! Flying cars not so much! Lacey J. Sorry George - your jet packs and flying cars are obsolete. We now have an AI world. Patricia S. Darn… still have to stop at stop signs. Nancy P. Jet packs? Flying cars? Don't know which one I want yet. Larry G. your comments: GET THE JOKE! I found the joke! Resident name (first & last): ______________________________________ This was the joke: _____________________________________________ Comments (we LOVE your notes - about anything!): ____________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Send your entry to or drop it at the Main Clubhouse Last month's joke: Now back to the Get the Joke stuff: To win a free dinner, find the ad, article or just weird, out-of- place, completely made-up (and hopefully funny) item in this month's Lifestyles. When you find it, fill out the box and email it to sunlakesnews@ before noon on the sixth of the month (or drop it off in the Main Clubhouse). If you are the first correct guess chosen at random, you will win a free dinner. Congratulations to this month's Dinner Winner: AUDREY IVERSON Please call Kelly in the Admin. Office for your Sun Lakes Restaurant dinner. From Courtney, the publisher: My new year's resolution is to not be a stump. Stay with me here… Lately I've been thinking about the book e Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I'm sure you've read it to your little ones. It always made me cry. For those who don't know the story, there's an apple tree who's friends with a little boy. The boy loves the tree and the tree loves the boy. Over the years, the boy gathers her apples and she rejoices that she makes the boy happy. The boy grows and needs her branches to build his house and the tree gives him what he needs and that makes the tree happy. Later, the boy needs her trunk to build a boat and sail away and see the world. The tree gives her trunk and she is happy but (spoiler alert) not as happy as she once was because now she's a stump. Finally the boy, who has grown old, finds his way back to the tree and the tree straightens her stump as best she can to give the boy a nice place to sit. I was so sad for the tree because the boy just took and took and took until there was nothing left. Now I think: What the heck is wrong with that tree? She's the one with the boundary problems. The boy didn't demand the apples or the branches or the trunk. He wanted them. She sacrificed herself, her life, to make him happy and ended up a stump. Just stop saying yes, tree. If he doesn't love you because you can't make him happy while hurting yourself, did he ever love you? My Granny used to say, "Anything for the price of peace," which seems impossible. Someone has to bite their tongue and swallow their feelings to make someone else feel better - to give that other person the sense of peace. But the person biting their tongue ends up with a ball of swallowed emotions eating away at their core and a bloody tongue. In a perfect world there would be no one-sided relationships where one person is always getting stumpier while the other flourishes. So this year I'm going to protect myself by not making others happy at my expense. However, in saying all that, I do support the lumber industry and think trees make excellent houses and boats and chairs … and magazines like this one! Air Space Ad Hoc Committee

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