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| LIFE IN SOLERA | JANUARY 2024 | 41 VITAL RECORD'S PLACE NAMES As you build your family tree, you begin to go farther and farther back in time. As a function of this, historical situations begin to effect certain aspects of an ancestors vital (birth, marriage, death) records. Throughout history, there have been changes to the name for a given location, location sizes/area have changed, and lands have changed names based upon war results, realm changes, acquisition of lands and the like. This has resulted in place names being changed over the years and this is reflected in the place names associated with vital records date. For example, many Americans believe that the 1776 Declaration of Independence was the start of the United States. Officially, in 1776 and through to 1783 the Patriots continued fighting the British for their independence. It was not until the defeat of the British at the Battle of Yorktown (1781) that British rule over the Americas was beginning to change and on Sept. 3, 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris that the Revolutionary War was finally over. So, place names prior to September 1783 ended with British Colonial America (BCA) vice the United States of America (USA) after that date. Many of the states in the U.S. were originally territories or parts of other countries and later became or were divided to form individual states. Overseas, the same type of thing was happening with countries. For example, Northern Ireland was separated from the Republic of Ireland in 1922. So, before 1922 the people of Northern Ireland were just Irish and afterward part of the United Kingdom and were British. These are just some of the examples of how a given place name associated with a given person can change depending on when in history the event occurred. So, when doing genealogical research to support vital records information, you should familiarize yourself with the history of the place and what was happening to the place that the vital record information addresses. This can dictate what source location you may need to look within to get the vital records information for which you are looking. ~ Bill Cramsie ANCESTRY GROUP Israel/Palestinian Talk: History Club meeting, Mon., Jan. 8. The slaughter of innocent Israelis outside of Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023 has produced a shocking reaction around the World. While a majority population sides with the Jews as they seek to save the hostages and eliminate Hamas, there is a sizable minority that sees Hamas as the victims and Israel as the aggressors. The mindset of this vocal minority derives from a few notable sources. First, it illustrates the success of anti-Israeli propaganda spewing forth from well- funded radical Muslim States and terror organizations throughout the world. Second, it ferments from the DEI crowd that sees the world only in terms of the oppressor and the oppressed. Third, and most important, is the ignorance of a world that has neglected the past or has been misled by perpetrators of misinformation. During this month's History Club meeting we will attempt to give a balanced presentation of the events leading up to the tragic conflict we face today. Michael Ryan will be the lecturer for this meeting. Here are couple of questions to ponder while anticipating our Club meeting: Genesis 12, Chapter 1: (3,500 years ago) "The Lord said to Apram: Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father's house to a land I will show you. Chapter 2: "I will make of you a great nation." Thus, Abraham enters the land of Canaan and takes control. So, is God the first to encourage colonialism? "It is a mistake to say, if it wasn't for the Holocaust there wouldn't have been an Israel. The truth is, if there was an Israel there would not have been a Holocaust." ~ Mical Cotler-Wunsh, Israel's antisemitism envoy to the United Nations. HISTORY GROUP

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