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The Colony News May 2024

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The tournament scheduled for March 14 provided 10 teams an opportunity to capture a first-place position in the Random Draw competition. While Mother Nature provided a dry day, cool temperatures and a Santa Ana breeze made for a chilly day on the links. There were some hot golfers out there, though, with the first, to my recollection, Hole- In-One scored during a Jack and Jill event. Barbara Crosdale sank her drive on hole number 15. Statistics on golfers scoring a HIO for tournament players are 1 in 3,000 rounds; for the average golfer it is 1 in 12,000 rounds. I know many good low handicap golfers who have yet in their lifetime to score a HIO. Congratulations to Barbara for an outstanding career shot! When the tournament was over, the following posted winning positions for the contest: Winning Teams 1st 46.008 - Jerry and Pat Caldera, Dan and Sheryl Beamish 2nd 48.822 - Joe Cwirka, Marge Anderson, David and Pat Bailey 3rd 51.620 - Ron Brown, Judy Lebovitz, Del Mitchum and Ann Hartwig 4th 52.436 - Charles Craven, Paula Thompson, John Comeau and Barbara Keen Closest to the Pin #5 Women, Debbie Johnson – 36' / Men, Bruce Dalfonso – 6'1" #15 Women, BARBARA CROSDALE – HIO / Men, Del Mitchum – 5'4" #16 Team #17 Joe Cwirka, Marge Anderson, David and Pat Bailey – 5'5" The March Darwin Award went unclaimed, but rumor has it that a recipient is waiting in the wings to win the first banquet "Perpetual Trophy" of DARWIN at the next banquet event. Stay tuned. Our next contest is set for Thursday, May 9, and it will be our Regular Scramble event. As with all Jack and Jill events, you DO NOT have to be a member of either the Men's or Women's Golf Clubs to play. Just pick up your sticks and join us for the fun and friendly competition. See ya on the links! MARCH WINNERS: 32 | THE COLONY NEWS | MAY 2024 | Jack & Jill By Dennis Murphy, 951-461-0457 Ladies Golf By Judy Lebovitz, 951-461-0065 It was so nice to be able to play on the first Tuesday in April after all the rain. I guess we were having April showers, as advertised. The weather was wonderful, but there was still lots of water on the course. Afterwards, we had our annual pizza luncheon of pizza, salad and a delicious dessert, a cupcake cake to celebrate two special birthdays — Barbara Keen, 95, and Sue Jordan, 80. Our monthly lunch meetings are always fun and informative. Our tournament director announced aces for the month of March, and again, Barbara Keen had high handicap and Debbie Johnson had low handicap. Congratulations to both. The Ringer chair gave out the ringer money for the first quarter. Congratulations to all the winners. The nine-hole ladies played a scramble on the front nine and the niner chair announced the winning team of Bonnie Hinman, Pat Caldara, Pat Byron and Jenny Funke. It was a fun afternoon. For April, May and June, our tee time will be 8 am. We were pleased to have a few new ladies join us in April. We hope they will be playing with us every week. If you are interested in learning more about our club, or joining us, please contact our membership chair Peggy Clendenen at 951-696-2169. We hope to see you on the links!

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