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Solera Diamond Valley View June 2024

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | JUNE 2024 Meet Emily Ortiz - Administrative Assistant By Annette Hillis, Resident Emily Ortiz, Solera Diamond Valley's newest member of our Management team, has both a mother and a brother who have paved the way that led to where she is today. omas Ortiz, her sibling, is one of our Facilities Monitors. Her mother has worked in a similar capacity as her daughter, therefore becoming a great influence. Ortiz attended Murrieta Mesa High School. She began her work at SDV in February of this year, soon aer graduation. She decided working at a retirement community such as ours would be a great first step in her career. Her original goal was to attend college, but bumps in the road unfortunately prevented it at the time. She vows she will get there, but as of right now, she is so very content to be working in our community. "I really wanted an office job. From everything I had heard, SDV was a nice place to work. Every time I have met anyone here, it's always been good. Honestly, I just want to be someone you can talk to. I want to put a smile on everybody's face." Ortiz cites communication skills, being a good listener, and having empathy for others as being the main criteria for succeeding at her job. Her ultimate goal is to help out and try to keep everyone happy. She declares, "I'm so happy to be here. I can't wait to meet everyone." Community Updates By Tyler Barber, Property Services Manager Sure looks like spring is in full swing! e area is blooming with lively plants and flowers, and they are showing from both the Community and the Common Areas. e outdoor pools are being heated, and have been since May 1st, giving the Community a nice place to visit with family and friends to escape the California heat. Keep in mind that every residence is limited to four guests, and children are only allowed to use the lower deck, outdoor pool. Violations: Opened-16 ; Closed- 16 A constant violation I noticed was weeds. I recommend ensuring the maintenance of your property's landscaping to avoid any upsetting letters. Action Items (information is accurate as of May 8, 2024) • e interior renovation of the Mountain View Lodge is complete! • We continue to wait to be put on the schedule for the pickleball court repair. • e gym shade that is currently not operational is being scheduled to be taken down and inspected. By DiAnne Mangis, Resident e Welcome Committee hosted a Meet and Greet for new residents on April 6. e event was held on the back patio amid blue skies and the warmth of the fireplace. Representatives from all six committees and most of the groups and clubs, along with two board members, were also present to welcome the new residents. Each of the representatives provided a short presentation about their group and invited any interested residents to come and join. is presented the residents with a good overview of all of the opportunities available to them at Solera Diamond Valley. Guests were treated to a luncheon of Firehouse Subs, chips and chocolate chip cookies. It was a lovely aernoon for residents to get to know each other. e following residents are members of the Welcome Committee: DiAnne Mangis (Chair), Byron Mangis (Co-Chair/Secretary), Ralph Grider, (Treasurer), Geoffrey Ferber, Lisa Harrison, Linda Officer, and Ron Officer. Welcome Island! to the

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