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Hemet Herald June 2024

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JUNE 2024 | 3 General Manager's Message By Rick Ruth, CMCA On May 22, the newly-elected Board returned to perform their duties. Congratulations to Barbra Balser, Fred Kydd, Mary Reyna and Rick Adkins for being elected to the Board of Directors. Rick, we look forward to partnering with you through your journey as a Board Member. Thanks again for volunteering to serve the community! Habits: Webster's Dictionary defines habit as "A settled tendency or usual manner of behavior, an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely voluntary." We all have habits. Some are good for us and help us take responsibility. Some habits are not and lead us into issues that can be regrettable, like ignoring medical advice, consuming our favorite comfort foods when we should eat healthy, etc. Addictions to many things are also the result of bad choices leading to a habit. One habit I'm noticing while out walking in the early morning is drivers not stopping or at least slowing down at the stop signs. World Cup and Bethpage in front of The Lodge are the ones I'm speaking about. Drivers who are doing this (I'm talking to the ones who do) have been failing to (at the very least) slow down to a "roll" but driving right through the intersection because they see no one around. Really? Some of you have done it for a while, now it's a habit as defined above. I get many residents telling me that they see this happen at all times of the day and evenings. Lately, I've seen a white SUV and a black sedan at or around 5:30 am driving right through the Bethpage stop and leaving the community at a speed faster than 25 mph. I can assure those drivers that if they continue their "habit," we have the resources to enforce our rules and will do so accordingly. If any of you observe a vehicle "blowing through" a stop sign intersection, we have ways of tracking down the vehicle. All we need is a description of the vehicle (make, model, color) and the exact time you saw this happen and the direction they were heading; coming in, exiting either gate, etc. Please report it in writing as soon as possible so we can follow up on the report. Summer begins June 20 and the pool area and many of you will begin to have grandkids visiting. When coming to the pool, please remember to "check in" your guests and review our pool rules so you and your guests can have an enjoyable time. Have a good June and Happy Father's Day to all the dads, grandpas and great grandpas. We hope you can spend time in your "Man Caves" with your family members! As Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, June provides us with an opportunity to raise public awareness about issues related to PTSD, reduce the stigma, and help ensure that those suffering from the neglected wounds of war receive proper treatment. PTSD is a mental health condition that develops after a person experiences or witnesses a life-threatening event. It's normal to feel stress in these situations, and most people start to feel better after a few weeks. However, if symptoms last longer than a month and are causing problems in your life, it could be PTSD. I encourage you to learn more about PTSD symptoms and treatments for those affected. Additionally, if you are a veteran who has gone through a life-threatening event, please don't hesitate to call the Veterans Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255. Supervisor's Message By Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez

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