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Ocean Hills CC Living June 2024

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| OHCC LIVING | JUNE 2024 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2023-2024) Continued on following page We are in the midst of the most active season for plant growth, both wild and cultivated. Green is everywhere in the meadows, hills, and mountains and we have more flowers in our home neighborhoods than at any other time of year. Mother Nature smiles on us here! We also are frequently reminded of the animals with whom we share this bounty. In our 12 years here, we have seen owls and hawks and roadrunners and had hummingbirds return year aer year to nest on our patio in addition to dozens of other bird species. anks to the Save the Monarch Butterfly Club there is an increasing number of butterflies. We have seen coyotes, deer, rabbits, a weasel, ground squirrels, rats, mice, raccoons, possums, and tarantulas. We have seen an occasional bobcat and our neighbors an occasional mountain lion. And we have had a very personal encounter with a large rattlesnake which took one of our precious Yorkies. We all need to be mindful of and seek to coexist safely with our natural environment and fellow creatures. e biggest news here is the impressive structure which sprang up almost overnight between the pool and the casa. It has been a beehive of activity as the steel has been fully assembled, the roof underlayment put in place and the decorative framing fabricated. As promised by the volunteers who designed and facilitated its creation, it has been flexible and allowed a number of cost- and time-saving improvements to develop as construction progressed. It changes daily, and it is very rewarding to watch the metamorphosis. Painting and finishing and last-minute tweaks will last into the month of June, but we get closer to the final touches every day. Keeping pace on a smaller scale is the renovation of the casa. ose of you who have been here a couple of years may recall that the casa was slated for demolition. However, through the diligence of our volunteers and staff, we determined that it could be salvaged successfully at a tremendous savings. It features a new roof, renovated restrooms with wheelchair accessible doors, new cabinetry, new windows and an electrical system that is 21st century. It will now be a fitting companion to the new lanai and integrated with it as part of our outdoor amenities. New arrivals to our community will see it as something that is as fresh as the lanai canopy. e flag court is the entrance to the new and renovated area for many people, and it has been buried under construction materials and vehicles for months. As you will note when I report on the actions taken in executive session (below), there will be repairs to the landscaping and creation of good vehicle access and golf cart parking upon the exit of the construction crews. We have been using the same tables and chairs shared between the Clubhouse and the lanai for decades. e Board and staff are evaluating augmenting or replacing that equipment with new chairs and tables. It will be funded from reserves and not an urgent concern, but we hope to make a decision shortly. As of this writing, all fees have been paid and all documents submitted to the City of Oceanside for the completion of the lake and well, but we have not had a response. Work has continued to complete the electrical supply with additional underground cable being installed, and the SDGE transformer is now in place along Leisure Village Way across from the Butterfly Sanctuary. e project Technical Oversight Committee is reviewing a General Contractor proposal and budget for completion of the project. We are still anticipating using well water for a part of the coming dry and hot season. And those big pipes eating up four spaces at the Clubhouse parking lot will sadly be visiting us for another couple of months. Our complaint against Candyl Golf Group, Inc., our former

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