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Ocean Hills CC Living July 2024

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| OHCC LIVING | JULY 2024 | 43 With May gray and June gloom behind us, July brings the start of summer in San Diego. It also brings the start of our cycle three (July/August) sailing schedule. By now many of you have already signed up for a day on the water. With so many dates to choose from everyone should have an opportunity to sail. Planning has already started for the Hal Bolton Memorial Regatta. The date will be Sept. 12. The sailing regatta will include five Catalina 29 boats, each with a crew of five made up of a Captain, a Mate and three crew members. Several Regatta courses have been identified. The final course selection will be made several days before the Regatta, depending on wind direction and speed and other factors. The crews will get some time to practice before the Regatta which is expected to kick off at 2 pm. An after-party open to all club members is being planned at the brand new OHCC Lanai with casual finger food (pizza, tacos, etc.) and soft drinks. The sailing Regatta result will be announced with a presentation of the Hal Bolton Memorial Regatta Trophy to the winning boat and crew. Undoubtedly, plenty of braggadocios speeches from crew members who have been in the sun too long will be shared with attendees. So, mark your calendars for a summer evening of fun. During June, the club's training coordinator, Dave Ramgren, convened two classes open to all club members – one on points of sail and sail trim and the second on knots. If you miss these, you may have the opportunity to attend at a later date. A "well done" to Mate Harrison Miller and his team for developing an Ocean Hills Sailing Club burgee (pennant) which will display our club logo and be f lown from boats when we sail. The burgees are in the final manufacturing stage and should be available soon. I would like to end with a "hats off " to Fleet Captain, Charlie Cappello. The results of his tireless work to identify and train our Captains and Mates and work closely with our training coordinator in our Mate candidate curriculum development and training program and our all-member training events have spurred rising interest among members to be more active in the club. Charlie schedules periodic sails for Captains and Mates and Mate candidates in training for sailing skills practice and onboard safety training. The effort he puts into planning, scheduling and publishing club sails to club members, scheduling sails with Harbor Island Yacht Club, and cancelling sails when necessary has been critical to the club's success. Charlie then tracks sail sign- ups to ensure the boats are full, publishing last minute openings to our members. All of this is in addition to the monthly Captains and Mates meetings he convenes to share information, build camaraderie and to seek input to make our club activities ever more exciting and worthy of member participation. Written by Skip Maniscalco, Commodore, Edited by: Kathy C. Maniscalco Sailing Club

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