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Hemet Herald July 2024

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Board 101 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JULY 2024 | 3 On April 18, the Board held an informational presentation, Board 101, to provide residents with an overview of how our community operates including how items are voted on by the Board. Resident questions, answers, and comments from that presentation are listed below. Board 101 Presentation Comments 1. Excellent presentation clear, concise. We have been well managed, over the years. I've been here for 15 years. Linda Hendrickson – Legend Owner. Thank you Linda, your comment is appreciated. 2. ank you for the information you presented this evening! You are welcome! We hope the information was helpful. 3. Why does the Board make discussions on agenda items so challenging? We don't do that purposely but under Roberts Rules of Order Board members can ask for a "point of clarification" if more information is required. 4. How are addressing all the new residents in hopes of getting them involved and how do you get more residents to attend Board meetings? Good question! It seems that the same 30-35 people attend the open sessions each month. If you have a viable idea, please let us know! We realize some new residents may still be working during the day, but even the attendance for this presentation was only around 50, and it was held in the evening, with many of the same members who attend the monthly Board meeting in attendance. Our community is large, and we have a lot of residents who choose not to attend community events. 5. e Governance of Four Seasons seems to be extremely effective over the years. Did Hovnanian play a role in setting the initial governance up? Yes, they formed the Articles of Incorporation and the CC&Rs. In 2021, the Association recorded a current version of the CC&Rs and a copy is on the HOA website. 6. I've seen the published minutes – how about a Board newsletter with information about "hot button" issues or things coming. E.g. better communication? It is something we are attempting to work on for the community. We agree that residents might like to be given a little time to sit with those "hot button" items before voting takes place. An electronic Board newsletter would be a great idea. 7. My concern is lack of info being distributed to the residents. We only hear of decisions made by the Board as they are put on the monthly meeting agenda. I want to know at the meetings why decisions are made. If I don't know a decision has been made (pool) how do I know how to respond before a vote by the Board. This question is like the previous one. In addition to sending out a newsletter, a more thorough explanation of agenda items would be helpful to residents at the time of discussion. 8. On the slide describing the process of making a motion, second motion, discussion… I wanted to be clear that the "discussion" would only be amongst the Board members – not input from the audience! This is correct… In most cases discussion would be amongst Board members only. If there is an item on the open agenda that a resident wishes to speak to, a comment card can be filled out before the beginning of the meeting and they will be called upon to speak at that time. 9. Can a resident request Board packet details on a specific agenda item, in advance of meeting? The information contained in the Board packets are confidential. Or ask for an electronic version? An electronic version of information in the packets is also not available to members. 10. Any consideration being given to facility master plan enhancements? Yes… the Board will be asking to see the original master plan and in addition, realize we need to begin thinking about what our facility might look like in 15-20 years. 11. What is our reserve funding level today and do you intend to keep the reserve percentage within a certain level? The reserve account is money set aside to replace items that break or deteriorate. Keeping monies in this account provides the HOA with the necessary monies to buy the replacement items. Our reserves are funded at 185%, which helps us plan for future needs. Being funded at this level assures members from having a special assessment imposed due to deferred maintenance of our components. 12. Why is there only five days to review packet? And if clarification/ questions is done at Executive Session, with whom? This timeline gives Board members adequate time to review the agendas for the executive session and the open session. This includes time for members of the Board to look at supporting documents, evaluate financial items, consider contracts, and to ask questions of management, and committee chairs. 13. How is something tabled? An item may be tabled during an open session by any Board member wanting more time to consider the item before them. When a motion is made by a member of the Board to table an item, there must be a second to the motion for the tabled motion to stand. Then there is discussion of the item, after discussion the Board President calls for the vote. A vote is taken. A majority voting in favor of the tabled motion passes the motion. If the majority votes against the motion it fails. 14. If you have a request/idea, how do we initiate and what is the workflow? If you wish to communicate to the Board, you may come to a Board meeting. Before the meeting begins you may obtain a Member Input form to speak before the Board during the Member Input time on the agenda. These forms can be found at the table as you enter the Ballroom. You will have three minutes to address the Board. You may also fill out a Resident Communication Form. You may obtain this form at The Lodge front desk. Management will then communicate with you regarding your issues or concerns. 15. Question about the conditions of the road in our community. The resurfacing of our roads is scheduled according to a master asphalt plan recommended by our preferred asphalt contractor. Seal coating and asphalt repairs are planned for this June and July. The areas scheduled for repairs are East Invitational, east of Four Seasons Blvd. and north of World Cup. Seal coating will also take place in the East & West Legends during that time frame. 16. Question pertaining to condition of exterior homes and yards. The Board has a responsibility to remedy the deficiencies. If you have a concern, please fill out a communication form available at the front desk of The Lodge. 17. Questions about a neighbor's yard being messy, the time it takes for homeowners to install landscaping, and people having glass bottles during an event on the Plaza can be addressed by management by filling out a Residence Communication Form. This form can be picked up at The Lodge front desk.

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